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Art including artists, exhibitions, movements and the creative processes involved. Also the sale of individual artworks.
BKS Books
Literature including books, authors, plotlines, reviews and sales.
ENT Arts / Culture / Entertainment
Performing and non-performing arts; music; theatre; tv; radio; festivals; exhibitions; dance; literature; libraries; museums; painting; sculpture; government policy.
FLM Film
Motion pictures / films, including directors, actors, premieres, reviews and box office.
LIF Living / Lifestyle
Lifestyle issues including culture, hobbies / pastimes and general interest
CLEB Celebrities
Personal news about individuals widely recognised, known and / or admired as a result of personal or professional achievement.
FASH Fashion
Fashion, including designers, models, fashion shows, couture, styles and fashion trends.
MSIC Music
Music and musical artists. Includes details and reviews of live performances and recorded music releases.
SMED Social Media
News about social media.
TELE Television
Television as a medium.
THTR Theater
Dramatic stage performances and their performances. Includes theater, ballet and opera. Premieres, listings and reviews.
TOUR Tourism / Travel
Travel information such as resort recommendations, air-travel routes, tour and vacation ideas, airline / travel guides, hotel packages and promotions. Includes items on or from conventions and visitors bureau.
VGAME Video Games
News about the development, production, sales, and use of video games.
ABS Asset-Backed Securities
Bonds or notes that are based on pools of assets, or collateralized by the cash flows from a specified pool of underlying assets.
AGN Mortgage Agency Debt
The issuance, pricing and trading of debt securities, usually in the form of bonds, issued by mortgage agencies.
BQ1 Bank Qualified
News about bank-qualified bonds, which allow banks to deduct interest paid to carry those bonds. Bank-qualified bonds are typically issued for a public purpose in small amounts.
CDM Credit and Corporate Debt
The issuance, pricing and trading of corporate debt securities, including derivatives such as CDS, equity-linked bonds and covered bonds, as well as the issuance and syndication of loans to corporates.
CDO Collateralized Debt Obligations
Debt securities backed by a pool of bonds, loans and/or other assets.
CDV Credit Default Swaps
The issuance, pricing and trading of Credit Default Swaps, or any financial swap arrangement under which the seller of the CDS will compensate the buyer in the event of a loan default or other defined credit event.
COM Commodities Markets
Production, consumption and trading in primary commodities markets, including agricultural, energy, metals and diamonds. Also includes weather and shipping news affecting commodities markets.
DBT Debt / Fixed Income Markets
Bond and other debt and credit market news, including new issues, yields and other rates, analyses, and market performance. Credit and corporate debt; government, agency, municipal and supranational debt; eurobonds and asset-backed debt.
DRV Derivatives
Derivatives including futures, options, warrants, spreads, swaps, contracts for differences and other financial instruments that derive their basic value from other instruments and assets traded for cash. New issues of derivatives, forecasts and analyses of a derivatives market, market structure.
EQB Equity-Linked Bonds
All news about equity-linked bonds, including convertible and exchangeable bonds and warrant-bearing bonds.
ETF Exchange-Traded Funds
A fund that can be continuously traded on an exchange, which is generally comprised of a basket of financial instruments mirroring the composition of a securities market index. ETFs offer low expense ratios relative to other funds and trade within a narrow spread with respect to NAV. Although the legal structure of ETFs is generally open-ended, their distinct characteristics compel investors to treat as a discrete fund type.
EUB Eurobonds
New eurobond issues in Europe; including issues by foreign borrowers in domestic markets where there is no eurobond market e.g. Swiss francs. Exclude corporate or domestic government bonds, e.g. gilts, Bunds, Samurais & Yankees.
FRX Currencies / Foreign Exchange Markets
Exchange rates and analyses of currency markets. Comments on foreign-exchange developments.
GOS General Obligation Debt
News about general obligation debt issued by state and local government entities; GO notes and taxable GO debt; general obligation certificates of participation; state appropriation debt; and news about new GO financings and new capital programs.
GVD National Government Debt
News about all national government bond and debt instrument markets. Includes treasury gilts, bonds and notes (not T-bills, which are money market instruments).
HOT Volatile Shares / Hot Stocks
News about sharp changes in the price of a share or prices of several shares in the same market sector.
HYD High-Yield Securities
The issuance, pricing and trading of debt securities that carry a relatively high risk of default and thus pay a relatively high yield, also sometimes known as junk bonds.
IGD Investment Grade Securities
The issuance, pricing and trading of debt securities that carry a relatively low risk of default and thus pay a relatively low yield.
ILB Index-Linked Bonds
Bonds linked to an underlying index, usually inflation.
ILS Insurance-Linked Securities
The issuance, pricing and trading of financial instruments whose values are driven by insurance loss events.
LOA Loans
Issuance, syndication, trading of loans by banks (or institutional investors) to corporate or institutional borrowers; trends in loan markets and issuance.
MMT Money Markets
All money market news; reports about money markets. Trading in all money market instruments. Short-term borrowing and lending between banks.
MTG Mortgage-Backed Markets
Mortgage-backed debt and securities, mortgage advances and changes in mortgage rates and conditions.
OPT Options
All market reports that routinely mention options; all new issues of options; news items concerning forecasts and analyses of the options market; regulation of options markets.
PPL Pipelines
Oil, refined oil and natural gas pipelines.
PVE Private Equity Funds
Private equity funds, including fund raisings and mergers & acquisition activity. Also including debt covering leveraged buyouts.
REF Oil Refineries
Plants which refine crude oil or other feedstocks derived from fossil fuels into products such as gasoline, liquefied petroleum gases (LPGs), naphtha, kerosene, heating oils and marine fuel oils.
SHL Shale Oil / Shale Gas
Oil or gas extracted from shale deposits.
SOV Sovereign Wealth Funds
Investment policies and changes in investments by state-owned investment funds, which consist of financial assets, including stocks, bonds, property and other investment vehicles.
STX Equities Markets
Share market trading news, including the performance of share market indexes and individual shares.
SUK Sukuk
Sukuk debt, typically defined as Islamic bonds or debt instruments that adhere to sharia (Islamic law).
TA1 Taxables
News about taxable bonds, which are issued for purposes the federal government deems does not provide a significant benefit to the public.
TNC Terms / Conditions
News about bond terms and conditions, including issuer name, coupon type and rate, maturity date and other features.
USC US Corporate Bonds
All news about U.S. corporate bonds, including issues, forecasts and analysis.
AUCT Sovereign Debt Auctions
Debt instruments offered by national governments in primary markets, usually by way of an auction, including announcements of planned sales, terms of the debt instruments offered, and auction results.
BINS Credit Enhancement
News about credit enhancement, such as bond insurance and letters of credit and the companies that provide these products.
CMBS Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities
Types of mortgage-backed security backed by mortgages on commercial rather than residential real estate.
COVB Covered Bonds
Mortgage-backed bonds where underlying collateral remains on the balance sheet, including issuance, pricing, secondary trading and general trends.
ETPS Exchange-Traded Products
An Exchange-Traded Product (ETP) is an investment instrument that tracks the performance of an underlying asset or an asset index. ETPs are structured to allow investors to gain exposure to underlying assets without trading futures or taking physical delivery and are especially popular in the commodities market. Also known as Exchange-Traded Vehicles (ETVs).
FUND Funds
The views, forecasts, strategies and market actions of fund operators and other significant groups and classes of investors and traders with regard to capital flows across and within asset markets. Includes news about market performance of any and all types of funds including influential single-party traders and significant asset allocation decisions and views.
MUNI Municipal Debt
News about all local, state and sub-national bond and debt issuance markets. Includes state, local authority, local agency and general obligation bonds. Municipal bonds.
NDFW Non-Deliverable Forwards
Non-Deliverable Forwards, Non-Deliverable Forward Outrights and NDF Spreads.
PWRL Transmission Lines
Power transmission grids.
REAM Real Estate Markets
Real estate investments including REITs, private property funds, Islamic finance and the public sector. Including property returns and forecasts, housing data, land prices, mortgage-backed bond issues. Property deals such as building transactions or corporate sales and leasebacks. Property related government initiatives, regulatory issues, and the launch and performance of property investment products or sector indexes. Also major infrastructure projects.
REVS Revenue Bonds
News about revenue bonds, issued by state, local authority and agency entities, that finance income-producing projects and are secured by a specified revenue source.
SUPD Supranational Agency Debt
Debt securities issued by international organizations, which transcend established national boundaries or spheres of interest, such as the European Investment Bank, World Bank, IMF and development banks.
CORPD Corporate Debt
All stories concerning the issuance, pricing, filing and redemption of debt instruments issued by a company. Includes convertible and other equity-linked bonds.
HEDGE Hedge Funds
In general, a hedge fund is a managed portfolio of investments aiming at returning an absolute performance, regardless of the underlying trends in the financial markets. Hedge funds use advanced investment strategies such as leverage, long, short, and derivative positions in order to capture market inefficiencies in both domestic and international markets with the goal of generating high returns. Hedge funds have far more flexibility in investment strategies than traditional funds, and the portfolios are usually highly leveraged.
MTNOT Medium-Term Notes
Medium-term debt securities issued by government and non-government entities. Full range of maturities and amounts are available although typically maturing in 5-10 years, with more or less conventional features incorporated such as fixed or floating coupon basis.
RMBSE Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities
Types of mortgage-backed security backed by mortgages on residential rather than commercial real estate.
TWPWR Tidal / Wave Power Stations
Electrical power generated from waves, tides, sea currents, thermal and salinity differences. Price and profitability, interruptions in supply, opening and closing of power plants, technology and policy related to ocean power generation.
BIOPWR Biomass Power Stations
Electrical power generated from the burning of biomass including woody material and waste, either alone or through co-firing with other fuels, as well as gas produced from biomass, manure and landfill.
COAPWR Coal-fired Power Stations
Power generation from coal including regulation, price, interruptions in supply, opening and closing of power stations, technology related to coal fired power generation.
CRYCUR Cryptocurrencies
Analysis of cryptocurrency markets.
GASPWR Gas-fired Power Stations
Power generation from natural gas including regulation, price, interruptions in supply, opening and closing of power stations, technology related to gas fired power generation.
GEOPWR Geothermal Power Stations
Electrical power from geothermal sources. Price and profitability, interruptions in supply, opening and closing of power stations, technology and policy related to geothermal power generation.
HYDPWR Hydroelectric Power Stations
Hydro-electric power. Price and profitability, interruptions in supply, construction and maintenance of dams and power stations, water levels in reservoirs, technology and policy related to hydro power generation.
NUCPWR Nuclear Power Stations
Nuclear power generation including regulation, price of power, interruptions in supply, opening and closing of power stations, technology related to nuclear power generation.
OILPWR Oil-fired Power Stations
Power generation from oil, principally using fuel oil but also gas oil and crude oil, including regulation, price of power, interruptions in supply, opening and closing of power stations, technology related to oil fired power generation.
RNWPWR Renewable Energy Power Stations
Power generation from renewable sources such as hydro, geothermal, solar, wind, biomass, wave and tidal. Policy, technology, price and profitability, interruptions in supply, opening and closing of power plants.
SOLPWR Solar Power Stations
Electrical power from the heat or light of the sun using photovoltaic panels or solar thermal methods. Price and profitability, interruptions in supply, opening and closing of power plants, technology and policy related to solar power generation.
WINPWR Wind Farms
Electrical power generated from wind. Price and profitability, interruptions in supply, opening and closing of wind farms, technology and policy related to wind power generation.
ALU Aluminum
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of aluminum (var. aluminium). Organisations associated with aluminum.
BUN Bunker Fuel
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of bunker fuel, the heavy fuel oil used by ships, and marine diesel.
CHR Chromium
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of chromium. Organisations associated with chromium.
CHS Cheese
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Cheese. Organisations associated with Cheese.
CO2 Carbon / Emissions Markets
Trading in permits to emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Policy, allowances, regulations, monitoring and enforcement governing greenhouse gas emissions as well as related technology in energy intensive industries, including carbon capture and storage.
COA Coal
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of coal. Organisations associated with coal.
COC Cocoa
Growth, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of cocoa / cacao and chocolate. ICCO and organisations associated with cocoa.
COF Coffee
Growth, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of coffee. Including arabica, robusta, roastings, milds, conillon. ICO, IACO and organisations associated with coffee.
COR Corn
Growth, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Corn-Maize. Organisations associated with Corn-Maize.
COT Cotton
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of cotton. Organisations associated with cotton.
CRU Crude Oil
Exploration, extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of crude oil and gas condensate. Organisations associated with crude oil.
GOL Gold
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of gold. Organisations associated with gold.
GRA Grains
Grains - wheat; barley; oats; corn; maize; sorghum; cereal; rice; IWC; HGCA; FAO; EEP; COGECA; COCERAL; all grains commodity market reports; organisations associated with grains.
H2O Water
Extraction, consumption, transportation, pricing, regulation, processing and use of water as a basic commodity.
IRN Iron Ore
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of iron ore. Organisations associated with iron ore.
JET Jet Fuel / Kerosene
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of jet kerosene as a jet fuel and for heating.
LIV Livestock
Livestock - meat; beef; pork bellies; hogs; cattle; poultry; fish and fish oil; all livestock commodity market reports; organizations associated with livestock.
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of liquefied natural gas.
MGS Manganese
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of manganese. Organisations associated with manganese.
MLK Milk
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Milk. Organisations associated with Milk.
MOG Gasoline
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of gasoline / petrol.
NAP Naphtha
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of naphtha.
NGL Natural Gas Liquids
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of ethane, propane, normal butane, isobutane, pentane and combinations of these products including condensate, lease condensate, y-grade and natural gasoline.
NGS Natural Gas
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of natural gas. Organisations associated with natural gas.
NKL Nickel
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of nickel. Organisations associated with nickel.
NRG Energy Markets
Production and consumption of physical energy products, including coal, gas, oil, power, renewable energy and emissions; market reports on and pricing of these commodities and their derivative instruments.
ORJ Orange Juice
Growth, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of orange juice as juice or frozen concentrate. Organisations associated with orange juice.
PGM Platinum Group Metals
Production, consumption, transportation, pricing, regulation, processing and use of Platinum Group Metals, which is a term used to refer to six metallic elements, namely ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium and platinum.
PWR Power Markets
Electrical power generation, price, changes in supply such as the opening and closing of power stations, related technology and regulation. Organisations associated with power generation.
RFO Fuel Oil
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of heavy or residual fuel oil, including high-sulphur, low sulphur and bunker fuel oil as well as vacuum gasoil.
RNW Renewable Energy
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of renewable energy, including wind, wave, solar, tidal, geothermal and hydro power, biomass and biofuels used for transport. Policy and regulations governing renewable energy.
RUB Rubber
Growth, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of natural and synthetic rubber. INRO, INRA, organisations associated with rubber.
SLK Silk
Growth, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of silk. Organisations associated with silk.
STE Steel
Creation, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of steel including stainless steel.
SUG Sugar
Growth, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of sugar from cane or beet. Also high fructose corn syrup, HFCS, GEPLACEA, COGECA. Organisations associated with sugar.
Growth, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of all teas. Including CTC, pekoe, fannings. Organisations associated with tea.
TMP Temperature
Temperatures, notably unusual heat and cold and their effects. Heat waves and frosts as well as their impact on economic activities such as the production, transport and prices of commodities and energy.
WEA Weather Markets / Weather
Weather related issues and reports; forecasts; statistics; warnings; meteorological phenomena.
WHT Wheat
Growth, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Wheat. Organisations associated with Wheat.
WOO Wool
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of wool, merino or mohair. Organisations associated with wool.
ZNC Zinc
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of zinc. Organisations associated with zinc.
AGRI Agricultural Markets
Production and consumption of physical agricultural products; market reports on the wholesale markets for these physical products plus their paper derivative products.
ATMY Antimony
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of antimony. Organisations associated with antimony.
BIOF Biofuels
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of biofuels, including ethanol (derived from sugar cane), biodiesel (from animal or vegetable oils) and other fuels derived from living organisms.
BRGE Barge
Inland waterway transport of oil and its products, grains, coal and other dry bulk commodities, related infrastructure, bookings and costs of vessels, accidents, government policy and regulation.
BRLY Barley
Growth, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Barley and Malting Barley. Organisations associated with Barley.
BSMH Bismuth
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of bismuth. Organisations associated with bismuth.
CBLT Cobalt
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of cobalt. Organisations associated with cobalt.
CDMM Cadmium
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of cadmium. Organisations associated with cadmium.
CONT Container
Container transport of freight by water, road, rail and air, related infrastructure, bookings and costs, accidents, government policy and regulation.
CPPR Copper
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of copper. Organisations associated with copper.
CTTL Cattle
Production, transportation, pricing, animal welfare issues and regulations relating to live cattle.
DAIR Dairy
Dairy products and eggs. Including butter, cheese, eggs, milk and yogurt.
DIAM Diamond Markets
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of diamonds. Organisations associated with diamonds.
FERR Iron / Steel
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of iron, steel and ferrous alloys. Organisations associated with iron, steel and ferrous alloys.
FERT Fertilisers
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of all fertilizers.
GALL Gallium
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of gallium. Organisations associated with gallium.
GRMN Germanium
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of germanium. Organisations associated with germanium.
HOIL Heating Oil / Gasoil
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for heating oil, the gas oil or middle distillate chiefly used as a heating fuel or in industry.
INDI Indium
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of indium. Organisations associated with indium.
IRDM Iridium
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of iridium. Organisations associated with iridium.
LITH Lithium
Production, consumption, transportation, pricing, regulation, processing and use of Lithium (Li), a soft, silver-white metal, used for many industrial applications.
LPG1 Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of liquefied petroleum gas, including propane and butane.
MEAL Meals / Feeds / Pulses
Feed grains; expeller; soya meal; soy meal; rape-meal; fishmeal; sun meal; sunflower meal; tapioca; manioc; citrus pulp; pulses; lentils; corn gluten; all meals and feeds commodity market reports; organizations associated with meals and feeds.
METL Metals Markets
Production and consumption of physical metals, including precious metals, and their derivatives instruments; market reports, pricing of these commodities.
MGSM Magnesium
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of magnesium. Organisations associated with magnesium.
MLDM Molybdenum
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of molybdenum. Organisations associated with molybdenum.
NIOB Niobium
Production, consumption, transportation, pricing, regulation, processing and use of Niobium (Nb), a soft grey, ductile transition metal, used in superconducting materials.
OILS Oilseeds
Oils and oilseeds - oilseed; soya bean; soybean; soy oil; rape seed; rape oil; colza; canola; palm oil; palm kernel; coconut; coconut oil; sunflower; sunoil; groundnut; peanut; linseed; linoil; olein; stearin; castor; tung; castor oil; tungoil.
PALL Palladium
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of palladium. Organisations associated with palladium.
PETC Petrochemicals
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of petrochemicals including ethylene, propylene, butylene, benzene, toluene, styrene, xylene, ethyl benzene and cumene.
PHOS Phosphates
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of phosphates for fertilizer. Organisations associated with phosphates.
PLAS Plastics / Polymers
Production, transport, trading / broking, demand for and use of polymer materials, typically thermoplastic or thermosetting resins. Processing new or recycled plastics resins into intermediate or final products including packaging.
PLAT Platinum
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of platinum. Organisations associated with platinum.
POIL Palm Oil
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Palm Oil. Organisations associated with Palm Oil.
POTH Potash
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Potash for fertilizer. Organisations associated with Potash.
PRCP Precipitation
Rain, snow, hail or drought and their effects. Floods, rain related landslides as well as the impact of excessive or inadequate precipitation on economic activities such as the production, transport and prices of commodities and energy.
PROD Refined Products
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of refined oil products including fuel oil, naphtha, gasoline, petroleum, gas oil, jet kerosene and petrochemicals. News on refineries and on policy affecting petroleum products, such as new specifications for sulphur content.
RDFT Road Freight
Road transport of oil and oil products, coal and dry or liquid bulk commodities and other goods, related infrastructure, bookings and costs of equipment, accidents, government policy and regulation.
RHDM Rhodium
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of rhodium. Organisations associated with rhodium.
RHEN Rhenium
Production, consumption, transportation, pricing, regulation, processing and use of Rhenium (Re), a metal used in combustion engines, turbine blades and exhaust nozzles of jet engines.
RLFT Rail Freight
Rail transport of oil and oil products, coal, dry or liquid bulk commodities and other goods, related infrastructure, bookings and costs of equipment, accidents, government policy and regulation.
RTNM Ruthenium
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of ruthenium. Organisations associated with ruthenium.
RYE1 Rye
Growth, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Rye. Organisations associated with Rye.
SCRP Scrap Metals
Scrap / secondary metals including ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
SFTS Softs
Soft commodities such as coffee, tea, sugar, rubber, tobacco and cocoa.
SHFV Spices / Herbs / Fruit / Vegetables
Production, consumption, transportation, pricing, regulation, processing and use of any spices, herbs, fruits or vegetables.
SLCN Silicon
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of silicon. Organisations associated with silicon.
SLNM Selenium
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of selenium. Organisations associated with selenium.
SLVR Silver
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of silver. Organisations associated with silver.
SOIL Soybean Oil
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Soybean Oil. Organisations associated with Soybean Oil.
SORG Sorghum / Milo
Growth, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Sorghum. Organisations associated with Sorghum.
SOY1 Soybean
Growth, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Soybean. Organisations associated with Soybean.
SSTE Stainless Steel
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of stainless steel. Organisations associated with stainless steel.
TGSN Tungsten
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of tungsten. Organisations associated with tungsten.
TIN1 Tin
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of tin. Organisations associated with tin.
TMBR Timber / Lumber
Growth, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of timber / lumber. Organisations associated with timber / lumber.
TNKR Tanker Freight
Seaborne transport of oil, oil products and liquefied gas by tankers, closely related onshore infrastructure, bookings and costs of tankers, accidents, government policy and regulation. Organisations associated with tankers.
TNTE Tantalite
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of tantalite. Organisations associated with tantalite.
TTNM Titanium
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of titanium. Organisations associated with titanium.
URAN Uranium
The mining, production, processing, export and supply of uranium. The uranium market and uranium trade. Included on corporate news about uranium miners and regulatory news about government policy relating to the supply of uranium. Not included on stories about uranium enrichment for nuclear weapons.
VNDM Vanadium
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of vanadium. Organisations associated with vanadium.
AMCRU Americas Crudes
Americas crude oil streams
ASCRU Asia Crudes
Asian crude oil streams
BIOMS Biomass
Production, consumption, transportation, pricing, regulation and use of energy generated by biological material from living or recently living organisms.
Production, consumption, pricing food safety issues and regulations relating to beef and beef products.
DBULK Dry Bulk Freight
Seaborne transport of dry bulk freight including grains, coal and cement, related onshore infrastructure. Bookings and costs of vessels, accidents, government policy and regulation.
LEAD1 Lead
Extraction, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of lead. Organisations associated with lead.
MECRU Middle East Crudes
Middle Eastern crude oil streams
NSCRU North Sea Crudes
North Sea crude oil streams
PLTRY Poultry
Production, transportation, pricing, animal welfare issues and regulations relating to live poultry.
RAREE Rare Earths
Extraction, production, consumption, transportation, pricing, regulation, processing and use of rare earth elements or REEs, which are also known as rare earth metals and consist of 17 chemical element in the periodic table, including the 15 lanthanides plus scandium and yttrium.
RICE1 Rice
Growth, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Rice. Organisations associated with Rice.
US crude oil streams
WINE1 Wine
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of wine and wine products. Organisations associated with wine.
AFRCRU Africa Crudes
African crude oil streams
AUSCRU Australasia Crudes
Australasian crude oil streams
BASMTL Base Metals
Common non-precious metals such as copper, tin, or zinc.
BIOCEL Cellulosic Biofuels
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of next generation biofuels, chiefly ethanol, derived from cellulosic materials such as woody waste, leaves, stalks or non-food crops such as switchgrass.
BIODSL Biodiesel
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of biodiesel fuel, which resembles mineral diesel and is derived from animal or vegetable oils and fats.
BIOETH Bioethanol
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of bioethanol fuel, made from grains, sugar and other starches and which can be substituted for gasoline.
CANCRU Canada Crudes
Canadian crude oil streams
COCOIL Coconut Oil
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Coconut Oil. Organisations associated with Coconut Oil.
COFARA Arabica
Growth, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of arabica coffee. Organisations associated with arabica coffee.
COFROB Robusta
Growth, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of robusta coffee. Organisations associated with robusta coffee.
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Corn-Maize Oil. Organisations associated with Corn-Maize Oil.
DISTLL Middle Distillates
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of middle distillates, including diesel, heating oil and jet kerosene.
EMACRU Europe / Middle East / Africa Crudes
Europe / Middle East / Africa crude oil streams
LATCRU Latin America Crudes
Latin American crude oil streams
MINMTL Minor Metals / Minerals
Uncommon and scarce metals such as arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, uranium.
NASCRU North Asia Crudes
North Asian crude oil streams
OLVOIL Olive Oil
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Olive Oil. Organisations associated with Olive Oil.
PIGHOG Pigs / Hogs
Production, transportation, pricing, animal welfare issues and regulations relating to live pigs / hogs.
PNTOIL Peanut Oil
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Peanut-Groundnut Oil. Organisations associated with Peanut-Groundnut Oil.
PORBEL Pork Bellies
Production, consumption, pricing food safety issues and regulations relating to pork bellies.
Production, consumption, pricing food safety issues and regulations relating to pork products (excluding pork bellies).
PREMTL Precious Metals
Valuable metals such as gold, silver, or platinum.
RAPOIL Rapeseed / Canola Oil
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Canola-Rapeseed Oil. Organisations associated with Canola-Rapeseed Oil.
RUSCRU Russia / Other CIS Crudes
Russian / Other CIS crude oil streams
SEACRU South East Asia Crudes
South East Asian crude oil streams
SNFOIL Sunflower Oil
Production, transport, processing, trading / broking, demand for and use of Sunflower Oil. Organisations associated with Sunflower Oil.
TRNSPT Transportation Markets / Transportation
Freight transport by road, rail, sea and river as well as movement of energy by oil or gas pipelines and electrical transmission lines.
AAA Credit / Debt Ratings
The issuing of an assessment of the credit worthiness of borrowers and potential borrowers. These published ratings for securities such as preferred stock and debt issues are based on the likelihood of consistent and timely payments.
BL1 Bond Inventory Balances
News about bond inventory balances and unsold balances and account-closed and free-to-trade announcements.
CEN Central Banks / Central Bank Events
Policies of and changes at any central bank, reserve bank, or monetary authority.
CM1 Competitive Bond Sales
News about competitive bond sales, including presale stories.
CNH Chinese Yuan Offshore
Market comments and stories about the Chinese yuan when traded offshore.
DIV Dividends
Dividend forecasts, declarations and payments. Announcements or projections of payment of a dividend and any major increases or decreases to its dividend.
ECI Economic Indicators
Stories on economic indicator / data releases, including polls, forecasts and other stories wholly about economic indicators.
News and research relating to a company's environmental, social and governance standards used by ethical investors to screen their investments. Environmental standards measure how a company's activities affect the natural environment, while social standards are concerned with how a company manages relationships with its employees, suppliers, customers and the communities where it operates, and governance standards deal with how a company is managed and the interests of shareholders are served.
GBR Government Borrowing Requirement
The amount government needs to borrow in order to fund the gap between expenditure and revenue.
GDP Economic Output
Official GDP and GNP data releases, forecasts and other stories wholly about GDP or GNP.
GEN General News
All news that is not primarily financial, business or sports.
INT Interest Rates / Policy
Events relating to base lending rates and official interest rates set by central banking authorities.
IPO Initial Public Offerings
News about initial public share offers - includes initial offers to professional investors such as via placings.
IPR Industrial Output
Industrial production figures and forecasts. All measures of manufacturing output including the Purchasing Managers' Indices.
ISU New Issues
News about new government, supranational and corporate issues of debt and all new equity issues.
JOB Labour / Personnel
Labour issues, employment, unemployment, work relations, labour disputes, strikes, legislation, unions, job related issues, working conditions, employment discrimination, government employment policy and labour market reform.
MCE Economic Events
News and analysis relating to the state of an economy, including government and central bank-related matters, economic forecasts and economic indicator announcements.
MRG Mergers / Acquisitions / Takeovers
Includes news of any actual or possible purchase of a company, combination or unification of two or more companies, units or subsidiaries, and the acquisition of major assets such as infrastructure operating concessions or complete product lines. Also includes a company or party gaining more than a 50% stake in another company or increasing its control above that level.
NG1 Negotiated Sales
News about negotiated sales -- a transaction conducted by an issuer via a hired syndicate. The issuer hires a banker to structure and price a deal. The banker picks a sales date, pre-markets the bonds to potential investors and prices the deal.
NT1 Note Sales
News about note sales (short-term debt), including presale stories.
PMI Purchasing Managers Surveys
Forecasts and reports relating to purchasing managers surveys such as ISM or Markit PMI.
PRO Personalities / People
News and profiles focused on the life or major moments in the life of individuals.
PS1 Presale Announcements
News about presale announcements, including orders to purchase part of a new municipal bond issue that is accepted by an underwriting syndicate before an official public offering.
RCH Broker Research / Recommendations
The issuing of an investment opinion by a broker / analyst about whether a given stock is a 'buy', 'sell' or a 'hold', or giving a target share price.
RES Performance / Results / Earnings
All corporate financial results; tabular and textual reports; dividends; accounts, annual reports; forecasts and estimates of future earnings; corporate insolvencies and bankruptcies.
RWS Retail / Wholesale Sales Economic Indicators
Retail and wholesale sales figures and forecasts as economic indicators.
SL1 Bond Sales
News about all bond sales, including presale stories.
STK Equity Stakes
The purchase or sale of a potentially significant stake in a company's equity by another company, individual or group of investors. These are deals that result in stakes of 50% or less in the target company.
ACCI Accounting Issues
Issues regarding an organisation's financial accounting and the auditing of the organization's financial statements and accounting records. The company's adherence to generally accepted accounting principles, in all material respects. Also accounting-related investigations by regulatory agencies, accounting-related internal investigations and audits, and auditor changes.
BACT Corporate Events
All business events relating to companies and other issuers of securities.
BKRT Bankruptcy / Insolvency
News about companies being declared insolvent or put into administration, their administration and liquidations. Includes a company announcing its plans to file for bankruptcy protection, filing an initial or revised plan of reorganisation, the granting of bankruptcy court approval to the company's plan of reorganisation, and a company's emergence from bankruptcy protection.
BONS Bonus Share Issues
When a company makes a free issue of shares to shareholders, based upon the number of shares that a shareholder owns. Also known as a Bonus Issue, Free Issue, a Capitalization Issue or a Pro Rata Issue.
BUYB Share Buybacks / Repurchases
The purchase by a company of its own shares in the open market or by tender offer, usually based on the belief that the shares are undervalued and that buying them will provide a better investment return than putting cash into the underlying business of the company.
CCRE Consumer Credit
Levels of consumer borrowing, spending and saving.
CEO1 Change of CEO
Change of a company's chief executive officer.
CFO1 Change of CFO
Change of a company's chief financial officer / finance director.
CNSL Share Consolidations
Consolidations of shares in issue, sometimes called reverse stock splits.
DBTR Corporate Debt Restructurings
The restructurings of corporate debt by altering the terms and provisions of the existing debt issue or issuance of new debt to replace existing debt. Includes financial restructurings undertaken under administration and bankruptcy protection proceedings.
DISP Labour Disputes
Disputes between unions and industries that could lead to major disruptions in production or services.
DVST Divestitures / Spin-Offs
News of a company disposing of a significant part of its business. Could involve converting the business to be disposed of into a new, separate company with shareholders in the parent being given shares in the offshoot.
FNAL Finals
Indicates the level of competition is a Finals
ILEI Leading Indicators
Indices of leading indicators.
INDX Indices Changes
News about market indexes, including changes in constituents, their weightings, the creation and abolition of indexes. Does not include routine market performance news.
INFL Inflation
Inflation figures and forecasts. Consumer, retail, producer and wholesale prices and price indices.
MEVN Market Events
News about the operation of financial markets and exchanges including news about changes in market indexes, trading hours, regulations and news about changes in ownership and structure.
MONS Money Supply
Money Supply figures and forecasts. All measures of narrow and broad money, including M0, M1, M2, M3 and M4.
MPLT Employment / Unemployment
Employment and unemployment figures. Payrolls, jobless rates and the volume of help-wanted job advertising.
OSTR Oil Storage
Storage of crude oil and refined oil products.
PINV Personal Investing
All news about the process of investing on the part of individuals. News about investment tools, techniques and regulations for the individual investor and market trends that are related to individual investors; news about how investors interact with markets, detailing patterns of behaviour of the investors and their aggregate impact on the macro-economy. Includes information with advice from experts about how to invest and helping in the process of making selections between various financial instruments.
PLCY Monetary / Fiscal Policy / Policy Makers
Events covering monetary and fiscal policy and policy makers.
PRIV Privatization
The sale of a state-owned company or sale of a significant government stake in a company to a private investor or group of investors.
PRXF Proxy Fights
A proxy fight is an effort by activist shareholders of a publicly-traded company to gain partial or full control of the company by making a formal proposal to elect new members, backed by the dissidents, to the company's board of directors, to be voted on at a meeting of the company's shareholders, and then actively soliciting commitments from other shareholders to vote in favor of the proposal.
QRND Qualifying Rounds
Indicates the level of competition is a Qualifying rounds
REGS Regulation
Regulatory issues, including inquiries, investigations, findings and rulings against companies by pan-national, national and local government bodies, such as competition and antitrust investigations. Also includes regulation and deregulation of a market or an industry, but excludes company-specific accounting-related issues, which are covered by Accounting Issues [ACCI].
RESF Results Forecasts / Warnings
Forecasts or "guidance" given by a company about its future results, including profit warnings.
SHPP Shareholder Protection Plans
The actions taken by corporations to discourage a hostile takeovers by another company. These actions include 'poison pills', 'flip-in' and 'flip-over' options, 'people pills', 'suicide pills' and adopting a 'scorched-earth policy'. Also known as a Shareholder Rights Plan.
SISU Secondary Share Offerings / Issues
Secondary share issues. The issue of new stock or derivatives such as warrants and convertible bonds from a company that has already made its initial public offering (IPO). Includes placings and rights issues. Does not include bonus issues.
STAT Production Status Changes
A disruption and/or resumption of production or services.
WPAY Workers Pay
Stories about the levels of workers salaries, wages and benefits. Includes other forms of compensation such as share schemes, profit sharing, bonus schemes and loyalty payments.
ALLCE Strategic Combinations
Any announcements of strategic alliance arrangement between two companies who have decided to collaborate or share resources in a specific project. Or the formation of a joint venture where two or more companies are pooling resources to create a separate entity, or updating of an existing joint venture.
BOSS1 Key Personnel Changes
Changes of senior personnel in a corporation / organisation, including the chairperson, president, CEO and CFO.
BSENT Business Sentiment
Business sentiment surveys and indices. Levels of business confidence and business outlooks.
CAPUT Capacity Utilisation
The ratio between industrial output and industrial capacity.
CASE1 Corporate Litigation
Legal actions involving or affecting corporations and/or corporate officers. Includes news of moves to take legal action, judgments and dismissals of lawsuits.
CLASS Class Actions
A legal action against a company or companies where an individual represents a group in a court claim. The judgment from the suit is for all the members of the group (class).
CMPNY Company News
Company news (added automatically when a story contains any company RIC).
CPROD Products / Services
News about products and services, including their development, launches, recalls, safety, litigation, regulatory approvals, sales and marketing.
CSENT Consumer Sentiment
Consumer sentiment surveys and indices. Levels of consumer confidence and consumption expectations.
DDEAL Directors Dealings
The purchase or sale of shares by directors or other key employees or by their agents in the publicly quoted companies for which they work.
DEAL1 Deals
News about any actual or possible purchase of a company, combination or unification of two or more companies, units, subsidiaries, major assets, or complete product lines. Also includes news about change of ownership in a significant stake in a company, spin-offs of business units and sales and acquisitions of significant or potentially significant stakes in a company, as well as news about alliances and joint venture agreements between companies.
DEVAL Currency Devaluation
Downward adjustments of a currency's official par value or central exchange rate.
DGOOD Durable Goods Orders
Orders to factories for manufactured goods. Durable goods orders.
FINE1 Equity Capital Changes
News about equity capital changes including IPOs and secondary share offers, buybacks, share redemptions and consolidations, share splits, bonus and scrip issues. Includes announcements that a company plans to make equity offering/placing, the pricing of offerings/placing and their completion.
HOSAL Home Sales
New and existing home sales. Housing affordability indices.
INVTR Inventories
Manufacturers' and distributors' inventories. Stockpiles of goods on shelves and backlogs.
KMOVE Capital Movements
Capital movement between countries. Invisible trade and overseas investment.
LIST1 Security Listings / Delistings
When instruments are listed on or listed instruments are delisted from individual commercial exchanges. These can be exchanges trading in securities, options, futures or commodities. Includes movements from one sector to another sector and changes of listing category, e.g. from small cap to large cap.
MEET1 Shareholder Meetings
News about a company's annual general meetings (AGMs), including business concerns addressed, ballots for company initiatives and company board elections; also includes news about extraordinary general meetings (EGMs) and other shareholder meetings and the issues behind them.
MONOP Monopolies / Antitrust Issues
Issues concerning competition law, including investigations into companies suspected of anti-competitive behaviour, and proposed takeovers and mergers, price-fixing and other restrictive business practices.
NAMEC Corporate Name Changes
Corporate changes of identity, including rebranding, new logos, marketing slogans. Changes in the persona of a corporation which are designed to accord with and facilitate the attainment of business objectives, and are usually visibly manifested by way of branding and the use of trademarks.
PRES1 Change of President
Change of a company's president.
QFNAL Quarter-Finals
Indicates the level of competition is a Quarter-finals
RECLL Product Recalls
Requests made or actions taken by a manufacturer or seller to recall or withdraw a product from the market due to concerns about possible or actual safety issues or product defects.
REORG Restructuring / Reorganization
A significant modification made to a company's existing operations or organisational structure, such as when a company closes a location and/or lays off a significant proportion of its workforce. Can include divestments but not acquisitions.
REVAL Currency Revaluation
Upward adjustments of a currency's official par value or central exchange rate.
SFNAL Semi-Finals
Indicates the level of competition is a Semi-finals
TRACC Trade / Current Account
Current account / trade figures, including the balance of imports and exports.
XPAND Expansions / New Markets / New Units
A company moving into a new area of business or expanding its existing business. Includes a company expanding geographically by market or product or service offering, creating a new unit or starting a new line of business. Excludes acquisitions of other companies, which are covered by Mergers / Acquisitions / Takeovers [MRG].
BKRFIG Bankruptcy Figures
The number of business failures nationally. Bankruptcy and liquidation figures.
BNKCAP Banking Capital and Liquidity Requirements
Banking industry regulatory news regarding capital adequacy, stress testing and liquidity requirements including actions taken by individual banks to meet such requirements.
CARREG Car Registrations
New car registration figures. Car and truck sales.
CHAIR1 Change of Chairperson
Change of a company's chairperson.
COMARB Commodity Arbitrage
News about commodity arbitrage, ie the practice of taking advantage of a price difference between two or more markets: striking a combination of matching deals that capitalize upon the imbalance, the profit being the difference between the market prices minus any transportation or transfer costs.
CONFIG Construction Figures
Housing Starts, building permits and housing approvals. Construction spending and housing completion figures.
CURINT Currency Intervention
Trading by a central bank in the open market in order to influence exchange rates or stabilize market conditions.
Workforce reductions including temporary layoffs and plans to cut jobs gradually through natural wastage.
MEDREG Medical Regulatory Issues
Regulatory news concerning drugs and other medical products and treatments, including approvals and trial results.
MNGISS Management Issues / Policies
Management issues including internal controls, executive pay, bonuses and corporate governance. Also includes corporate litigation and accounting issues, shareholder activism and shareholder protection plans.
MRTAPP Mortgage Applications
Mortgage applications and refinancing. Mortgage delinquency ratios.
ORDIMB Order Imbalance
Notification of an excess of buy or sell orders for a specific security on a trading exchange.
RECAP1 Recapitalization
Restructuring a company's debt and equity mix, a move which might result in returning capital to shareholders in the form of a special dividend or share buyback.
RESASS Official Reserves
Official reserve assets of foreign currency, gold and special drawing rights.
SHRACT Shareholder Activism
An initiative by a shareholder to put pressure on the management of a public company on one or several issues such as board control, board representation, forcing or opposing an M&A transaction or reorganization or change in strategic direction. It can take several forms, such as proxy fights, negotiations with management, publicity campaigns, litigation, shareholder resolutions. See also Shareholder Meetings [MEET1].
SPLITB Share Splits / Bonus Issues
Moves to increase a company's shares in issue without increasing shareholder funds, such as stock splits and bonus issues.
STSALE Same-Store Sales
A retailer's same-store sales reports.
EU European Union
Stories about the European Union, its institutions and the European Parliament.
G7 G7
The Group of Seven (G7) nations which was formed in 1975 to facilitate economic cooperation among the seven major non-communist economic powers.
G8 G8
The Group of Eight (G8) nations. Formed in 1998, the G8 adds Russia to the G7 group of major industrialized nations.
BBK Deutsche Bundesbank
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of the Federal Republic of Germany.
BOC Bank of Canada
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of Canada.
BOE Bank of England
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of the United Kingdom.
BOJ Bank of Japan
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of Japan.
ECB European Central Bank
News of activities of the Frankfurt-based central bank of the Eurozone, tasked with setting monetary policy in the countries who have the Euro as their currency, and whose sole objective is price stability.
FED US Federal Reserve
News of activities by, or involving, the central banking system of the United States.
G20 G20
A grouping of developed and emerging economies that is emerging as the main international body coordinating attempts to fight financial crisis.
ICC International Criminal Court
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is the first ever permanent, treaty-based, international institution, with jurisdiction to prosecute individuals responsible for the most serious crimes of international concern: genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The jurisdiction of the ICC will be complementary to national courts, which means that the Court will only act when countries themselves are unable or unwilling to investigate or prosecute.
ICJ International Court of Justice
IMF International Monetary Fund
Stories about the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and its work, such as helping member countries in financial difficulty.
OMS World Health Organization
RBA Reserve Bank of Australia
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of Australia.
SEN US Senate
Elections to and activities by the upper house of the U.S. Congress, including any committees and individual senators as they pertain to the legislative process.
SNB Swiss National Bank
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of Switzerland.
UN1 United Nations
Stories about the United Nations which was established in 1945 to maintain international peace and security and to develop friendly relations among nations. Most of the world's sovereign states belong to the UN. Also use on stories about the UN agencies.
WTO World Trade Organization
Stories about the World Trade Organization, its free trade negotiations and disputes.
AFRU African Union
Stories about the African Union, which superseded the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) in 2002 with the declared aim of promoting the member countries' development and integration.
APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Stories about the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, which has the declared aim of promoting "sustainable economic growth and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region".
BMXO Bank of Mexico
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of Mexico.
CBBR Central Bank of Brazil
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of Brazil.
CBNG Central Bank of Nigeria
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of Nigeria.
CBRT Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of Turkey.
CBRU Central Bank of Russia
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of Russia.
HNBK Hungarian National Bank
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of Hungary.
HREP US House of Representatives
Elections to and activities by the lower house of the U.S. Congress, including any committees and individual representatives as they pertain to the legislative process.
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
Stories about the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and its work.
ICTY International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) is a United Nations court of law dealing with war crimes that took place during the conflicts in the Balkans in the 1990s. Established in 1993, the ICTY was the first war crimes court created by the UN and the first international war crimes tribunal since the Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunals.
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Stories about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization which was formed in 1949 to promote mutual defense and cooperation amongst its member states in North America and Europe.
NBPL National Bank of Poland
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of Poland.
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, but not the individual member states.
OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPEC policy, statements, meetings, output and exports; compliance by member countries with the crude oil producer group's decisions.
OSCE Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Stories about the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and its work as a forum and agency for the 55 participating states from Europe, Central Asia and North America.
PBOC People's Bank of China
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of the Republic of China.
RBIN Reserve Bank of India
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of India.
RBNZ Reserve Bank of New Zealand
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of New Zealand.
SARB South African Reserve Bank
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of South Africa.
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
Stories about the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and its work concerning food, agricultural and environmental issues.
WBNK World Bank
Stories about the World Bank, a development institution whose goal is to reduce poverty by promoting sustainable economic growth in its client countries. Formed in 1944, it is the world's largest source of development assistance.
NORBK Norges Bank
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of Norway.
RIKBK Sveriges Riksbank
News of activities by, or involving, the central bank of Sweden.
UNHCR Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
ASEAN1 Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Stories about the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Established in 1967, it aims to accelerate the economic growth, social progress and cultural development of the region through joint endeavors, and to promote regional peace and stability.
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund
LUX Luxury Goods / Services
Manufacturers and retailers of luxury goods. Suppliers of luxury services.
MIN Mining
Stories about miners and processors of metals and minerals, coal and construction-related materials.
TMT Technology / Media / Telecoms
Companies active in the technology, media or telecommunications industries.
AERO Aerospace & Defense (TRBC)
Producers of commercial, military and private aircraft and spacecraft. Includes manufacturers of military equipment, vehicles, explosive ordnance, guidance systems, artillery, ammunition and other related weaponry. It also includes manufacturers of satellites.
AGRC Agricultural Chemicals (TRBC)
Producers of potash, soda ash and peat humus, and nitrogenous, phosphoric, and ammonia-based fertilizers and minerals, as well as insecticides, fungicides, weed and rodent poisons, agricultural salts and other agricultural related products.
AIRL Airlines (TRBC)
Providers of airline transportation services primarily for consumer and business passengers.
AIRP Airport Services (TRBC)
Operators of fueling, repair, inspection, runway maintenance, hangar rental, passenger parking fields, landing services, catering, duty-free shops and other airport services.
ALUM Aluminum (TRBC)
Miners and processers of bauxite, including smelting, refining and processing of alumina and aluminum alloys. Also includes operators of recycling and die-casting plants, and foundries, as well as producers of foil, molds, plate, tube, sheet, rods, pipe, wire and other aluminum products.
AMED Advanced Medical Equipment (TRBC)
Manufacturers of high-tech medical equipment. Includes producers of MRI, PET and CAT scanning diagnostic equipment, radiation therapy, x-ray, ultrasonic, electro medical, laser and other expensive medical machines and equipment.
APPA Textiles & Apparel (TRBC)
Manufacturers of fabrics, leather and other textiles, apparel, accessories and footwear.
APRE Applied Resources (TRBC)
Producers of wood-based products and providers of related services, as well as manufacturers of paper and non-paper products, containers and packaging.
AUTO Automobiles & Auto Parts (TRBC)
Manufacturers of automobiles, light trucks, motorcycles, as well as related vehicle parts, tires and primary rubber products.
BCST Broadcasting (TRBC)
Providers of television, radio, cable internet, and satellite broadcasting services.
BEER Brewers (TRBC)
Manufacturers of beer and malt liquor.
BEVS Beverages (TRBC)
Brewers, distillers, producers and distributors of beer and malt liquor, wine and distilled liquors, as well as non-alcoholic beverages including water, fruit drinks, sodas and other flavored beverages.
BGDS Business Support Supplies (TRBC)
Manufacturers of office furniture and supplies such as desks, cabinets, display shelves, writing utensils, staplers and other commercial supplies.
BISV Banking & Investment Services (TRBC)
Providers of retail and commercial banking, consumer financial services, investment services, commercial loans and diversified financial services.
BMAT Basic Materials (TRBC)
Manufacturers, extractors and refiners of chemicals, minerals, precious metals, steel, aluminum, forest products, and construction and other raw materials.
BNKS Banks (TRBC level 4)
Deposit-taking institutions such as commercial banks, savings and loans banks, credit institutions, universal banking institutions, retail banks, mortgage banks, Money Center Banks, private banks and Islamic banks. Excludes providers of investment banking services classified in Investment Banking.
BSUP Business Support Services (TRBC)
Providers of commercial support services such as legal, cleaning, educational, security, office equipment rental, management consulting, architectural/interior design, payroll, accounting, basic data processing, credit agencies and other related services. Includes ATM operators that are not banks, as well as data processing companies.
BSVC Banking Services (TRBC)
Providers of retail and commercial banking, consumer financial services and commercial loans for long-term equipment leases. Includes bank holding companies.
CARM Auto & Truck Manufacturers (TRBC)
Manufacturers of automobiles, consumer-oriented light trucks, minivans, sports utility vehicles, motorcycles, snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles.
CCOS Cyclical Consumer Services (TRBC)
Providers of accommodation, entertainment and leisure services, marketing and advertising services and media & publishing services.
CELE Household Electronics
Manufacturers and wholesalers of home audio and video equipment, such as television sets, VCR and DVD players, home projection equipment, stereo systems, consumer-oriented photographic equipment, and other related electronics.
CHEM Chemicals (TRBC)
Producers and refiners of agricultural, commodity and specialty chemicals.
CHIP Semiconductors (TRBC)
Designers and fabricators of high-value microcircuits, microprocessor chips, integrated circuits and memory chips. Includes operators of foundries and producers of chip components designed for specific industries.
CIGS Tobacco (TRBC)
Farmers, processers and manufacturers of tobacco and tobacco products.
CMSS Commercial Services & Supplies (TRBC)
Providers of environmental, employment, business support and commercial printing services and supplies.
Explorers, miners and processors of coal. Includes providers of test, tunnel, blast, train, and other contract-based, coal-related services.
COEN Construction & Engineering (TRBC)
Builders and engineers that undertake commercial building, civil engineering, utility and other industrial plant construction projects. Includes builders of transport infrastructure, dam and water works as well as hotel, office buildings and other large scale construction projects such as shipbuilding. Also includes manufacturers of heavy machinery for permanent installation.
COFS Consumer Financial Services (TRBC)
Providers of personal loan services, such as credit card services, mortgage lenders and brokers, and consumer leasing providers, such as for automobiles, as well as personal and student loan services.
COMA Construction Materials (TRBC)
Miners and producers of raw materials for roads and construction. Includes extractors of sand, gravel, rock, clay, granite, limestone, marble, slate, gypsum, lime, and producers of cement, concrete, and bricks, as well as operators of filtering, bleaching, crushing, cutting, sizing and processing services.
COMC Commodity Chemicals (TRBC)
Producers and refiners of industrial chemicals and gases, petrochemicals, liquid hydrocarbons, vinyl, casein and other plastic resin materials, stains, paints, tanning and softening agents, explosives and other commodity chemicals.
COMS Communications Equipment (TRBC)
Manufacturers of telecommunications equipment such as modems, cable decoders, carrier switches, fiber cable, wireless and satellite communication equipment. Includes producers of cellular and voice-over-Internet-protocol (VoIP) phones.
CONG Industrial Conglomerates (TRBC)
Large organizations engaged in multiple business lines within the industrial sector, where at least two business lines comprise a substantial portion of the company's total operation. Companies in the industry typically conduct business on a global scale.
CONS Construction Supplies & Fixtures (TRBC)
Manufacturers of value-added building products and home improvement components. Includes, door and window frames, moldings and trims, tile, roofing, gutters, floorboards, insulating material, plumbing fixtures, cabinets and other building supplies.
CYCP Cyclical Consumer Products (TRBC)
Manufacturers and producers of durable goods such as household goods, as well as textiles, apparel and accessories. Includes homebuilders.
CYCS Cyclical Consumer Goods & Services (TRBC)
Manufacturers of automobiles, household goods, textiles and other products, as well as homebuilders and retailers, and providers of consumer services, such as hotel, entertainment and media services.
DEPT Department Stores (TRBC)
Retailers operating department store chains offering a diversified product line. Includes auxiliary internet and mail order facilities.
DISC Discount Stores (TRBC)
Retailers operating stores with a diversified product lines at a discount. Includes discount stores with auxiliary or primarily internet and mail order facilities.
DRIL Oil & Gas Drilling (TRBC)
Providers of oil and gas drilling services on a contract basis, such as directional drilling, well drilling and reconditioning of oil and gas field wells.
ELCO Electrical Components & Equipment (TRBC)
Manufacturers of small scale electrical equipment such as motors, electric heating and cooling systems, small generators, storage batteries and related equipment. Includes producers of electrical components such as wires, cables transistors, electron tubes and insulators.
ELEU Electric Utilities (TRBC)
Generators and distributors of electric power. Includes hydroelectric, fossil fuel, nuclear, solar, tidal, wind and independent electric power generators.
ENER Energy (TRBC)
Explorers, refiners, marketers and distributors of fossil fuels and renewable energy, as well as manufacturers of energy-related equipment and providers of supporting services.
ENTS Hotels & Entertainment Services (TRBC)
Operators of hotels, motels, cruise lines, restaurants, casinos, gaming operations, sports stadiums, golf courses, amusement parks and other recreational services.
ENVS Environmental Services (TRBC)
Providers of air, water and soil purification equipment, solid waste disposal, filtration systems and other pollution-reducing control equipment and environmental consulting services. Includes producers of commercial climate control and regulator systems, and plastic, paper, metal and glass recycling equipment and services.
EXCA Financial & Commodity Market Operators (TRBC)
Operators of exchanges and markets for the trading of financial, commodities and derivative instruments. Includes operators of electronic markets and providers of clearing, settlement and security custodial services.
FARM Fishing & Farming (TRBC)
Operators of commercial farms and fisheries, as well as providers of genetic research and modification for agricultural purposes. Includes growers of fruits, vegetables, grains, animal feeds and other produce. Also includes harvesters of fish and operators of aquaculture, as well as raisers of livestock such as cattle, pigs and poultry.
FDRT Food & Drug Retailing (TRBC)
Retailers operating pharmacies, grocery, convenience, liquor and specialty food stores.
FINS Financials (TRBC)
Operators of commercial and investment banks, investment trusts and financial markets, as well as providers of investment, insurance and real estate services.
FOBE Food & Beverages (TRBC)
Producers and processors of food, beverages and tobacco. Includes operators of farms and fisheries, as well as brewers, distillers and distributors, and packagers of Food & Beverages.
FOTB Food & Tobacco (TRBC)
Producers and processors of Food & Tobacco. Includes operators of farms, aquaculture and fisheries.
GASU Natural Gas Utilities (TRBC)
Producers and distributors natural gas under governmental regulation.
HARW Computer Hardware (TRBC)
Assemblers and manufacturers of computers, computer hardware and computer peripherals. Includes producers of storage devices, circuit boards, keyboards, printers, monitors, pointing devices, Webcams and PC cameras, as well as ATM machines.
HECA Healthcare (TRBC)
Manufacturers, developers and marketers of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and supplies, as well as advanced therapeutic treatments and devices, and providers of healthcare facilities and medical research and development.
HELE Heavy Electrical Equipment (TRBC)
Manufacturers of large scale electrical equipment, such as elevators, escalators, industrial conveyor belt systems and electrical machinery. Includes producers of hydraulic, steam and gas turbines, large generators and power grid equipment, such as transformers.
HFAC Healthcare Facilities & Services (TRBC)
Operators of hospitals, physician and dental clinics, psychiatric facilities, nursing homes, consultancy services (nutritionists, homeopathic therapies) and home healthcare agencies. Includes medical laboratories that support healthcare facilities, such as blood analysis, pathology, urinalysis, medical x-ray and other diagnostic laboratories. Also includes veterinary services.
HMAC Heavy Machinery & Vehicles (TRBC)
Manufacturers of heavy trucks, road paving and earth movers, tractors, cranes, planting and harvesting machinery, such as balers, graders, cotton ginning machinery, locomotives and rolling stock, as well as commercial shovels, lawnmowers and landscaping equipment.
HMOS Managed Healthcare (TRBC)
Providers of managed healthcare, mainly operating in the United States.
HOME Homebuilding (TRBC)
Builders of residential homes, mobile homes and prefabricated homes. Includes centralized homebuilding operators where work is channeled to specialized contractors.
HPAS Healthcare Providers & Services (TRBC)
Operators of healthcare facilities and providers of managed healthcare.
HPRD Healthcare Equipment & Supplies (TRBC)
Manufacturers of advanced medical equipment and basic medical supplies.
HRSC Employment Services (TRBC)
Providers of human resource, employment and staff management services. Includes online job portals.
INDG Industrial Goods (TRBC)
Manufacturers of aerospace and defense equipment, as well as industrial vehicles, machinery, equipment and components.
INDM Industrial Machinery & Equipment (TRBC)
Manufacturers of basic power and hand tools, hardware, small scale machinery and other industrial components. Includes producers of power saws, polishing and metal working machines, drills, nuts, bolts, screws, springs, valves, pneumatic hoses and other basic industrial equipment.
INDS Industrials (TRBC)
Manufacturers of industrial equipment and commercial supplies, as well as providers of related services, such as diversified trading, distribution operations and transportation services.
INSB Insurance Brokers (TRBC)
Insurance and reinsurance brokers and agencies.
INSR Insurance (TRBC)
Underwriters and carriers of property, casualty, life and health insurance policies, as well as reinsurance carriers.
INVM Investment Management & Fund Operators (TRBC)
Operators of investment funds, including mutual funds, unit trusts, investment trusts, hedge funds, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), as well as operators of pension funds, private equity firms and life insurance funds.
INVT Investment Trusts (TRBC)
Operators of listed closed-end investment funds, as well as listed open-end investment funds, exchange-traded funds, unit investment trusts and blank check companies.
ISER Industrial Services (TRBC)
Providers of construction, engineering and commercial supply services, as well as diversified trading and distribution operations.
ISLF Islamic Finance
Islamic finance and banking. Banks run entirely according to koranic precepts and the development of islamic bond markets as well as the individual issuance of islamic bonds. Development of islamic banking regulations and other guidelines similarly.
ITSE IT Services & Consulting (TRBC)
Producers of customized software development, ISP providers, online support services, online database management, interactive data access and auctioning services.
LEIS Leisure Products (TRBC)
Manufacturers of toys, games, computer games and consoles, as well as recreational products, such as sporting goods, camping equipment, musical instruments and bicycles.
LINS Life & Health Insurance (TRBC)
Insurance underwriters and carriers of accidental death and dismemberment, disability, dental, health, medical and life policies, as well as the management of annuity plans.
LIQS Distillers & Wineries (TRBC)
Manufacturers of wine, champagne and sparkling wine, as well as distilled alcoholic beverages such as vodka, brandy, whisky, gin, sake and other malt and blended alcoholic beverages.
MACH Machinery, Equipment & Components (TRBC)
Manufacturers of industrial, construction, agricultural and electrical machinery, equipment and components.
MDIA Media & Publishing (TRBC)
Providers of advertising, marketing, broadcasting, entertainment production and publishing services.
MEDQ Medical Equipment, Supplies & Distribution (TRBC)
Manufacturers and distributors of basic medical equipment and supplies. Includes producers of forceps, surgical knives and gloves, bandages and dressings, syringes, stethoscopes, medical laboratory equipment, x-ray films, dental drills, veterinarian instruments and other related supplies.
MEMI Specialty Mining & Metals (TRBC)
Miners and processors of non-ferrous metals such as copper, zinc, lead, tin, nickel, cobalt, graphite, titanium and other non-ferrous metals. Includes non-metallic minerals.
MINE Mineral Resources (TRBC)
Miners and processors of steel, aluminum, precious and specialty metals and minerals, and construction related materials.
MINS Multiline Insurance (TRBC)
Insurance underwriters carrying life and non-life policies.
MRCH Biotechnology & Medical Research (TRBC)
Researchers and developers of new drugs, medical devices and procedures. Includes manufacturers and marketers of drugs as a result of direct research and development.
MTAL Metals & Mining (TRBC)
Miners and processors of precious metals and minerals, steel, aluminum and specialty metals and minerals.
NCYC Non-Cyclical Consumer Goods & Services (TRBC)
Producers, processors and retailers of food, tobacco and beverages, and manufacturers of household and personal products, as well as providers of personal services.
OFCE Office Equipment (TRBC)
Manufacturers of office technology equipment such as photocopiers, facsimile, calculators, cash registers, bar code readers, electronic tags, coin and currency counting devices, as well as scientific and analytical equipment and precision instruments.
OGTR Oil & Gas Transportation Services (TRBC)
Distributors of oil, gas and refined products. Includes operators of pipelines, storage facilities, gas liquefaction and re-gasification plants, sea-borne tankers, and related services.
OILG Oil & Gas (TRBC)
Producers, refiners and transporters of raw and refined oil and gas products.
OILI Integrated Oil & Gas (TRBC)
Explorers, producers, refiners and distributors of oil and gas. Includes companies that have global operations and significant activities in both exploration and production, and refining and marketing operations.
OILQ Oil Related Services and Equipment (TRBC)
Providers of oil-and-gas-related services on a contract basis, such as cleaning, testing, erecting, repairing and dismantling oil and gas field rigs and derricks. Includes providers of exploration services, such as geological surveys and mapping. Also includes manufacturers of oil and gas well pumping and other related equipment.
PACK Containers & Packaging (TRBC)
Manufacturers of containers, as well as providers of packaging services.
PAPR Paper Products (TRBC)
Operators of pulp and paper mills. Includes manufacturers of stationery, computer and construction paper, book and newsprint.
PHAR Pharmaceuticals (TRBC)
Manufacturers and marketers of generic and specialty drugs, as well as researchers and developers of new drugs, medical products and procedures.
PHMR Pharmaceuticals & Medical Research (TRBC)
Manufacturers and marketers of generic and specialty drugs, as well as researchers and developers of new drugs, medical products and procedures.
PHON Integrated Telecommunications Services (TRBC)
Providers of telecommunication services other than wireless only. Includes integrated providers of both fixed-line and wireless services offering voice, data and high-density data transmission services, as well as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services.
PINS Property & Casualty Insurance (TRBC)
Insurance underwriters and carriers of property, fire, marine, auto, title, professional liability, funeral, bonding, fidelity and other surety policies.
PLAY Toys & Games (TRBC)
Manufacturers of toys, games, computer games and consoles.
PREC Precious Metals & Minerals (TRBC)
Miners, refiners and producers of gold, silver, platinum, diamond, gem stone, semiprecious stones, uranium and other rare minerals and ores, as well as pearl cultivation. Includes funds primarily investing in precious metal mining operations.
PRIN Commercial Printing Services (TRBC)
Printers and providers of supporting services to publishers, advertisers and other commercial businesses. Includes printers of business forms, directories, catalogs, books, magazines, greeting cards, art prints, newspapers and other printing services without proprietary publishing rights.
PSVC Personal Services (TRBC)
Providers of accounting, counseling and rehabilitation, childcare, legal, marriage, laundry, lawn maintenance and funeral services, as well as personal enrichment services, such as test preparation, colleges and dance classes. Includes rental services for tuxedos and gowns, furniture, consumer electronics, movies and games.
RDIY Home Improvement Products & Services Retailers (TRBC)
Retailers of home and garden improvement products and services, as well as building materials.
RDRL Highways & Rail Tracks (TRBC level 4)
Owners and operators of transport infrastructure such as rail tracks, tunnels, bridges and roads. Includes toll collection, parking lot operations, emergency road services and towing, street cleaning, and independent bus terminal operators.
RDRU Drug Retailers (TRBC)
Retailers operating pharmacies. Includes retail drug operators with auxiliary food and household good product lines.
READ Publishing (TRBC)
Publishers of books, magazines, newspapers, directories, maps and catalogs, as well as printed and electronic databases.
REAL Real Estate (TRBC)
Developers and managers of real estate operations and related services. The industry also includes residential and commercial real estate investment trusts.
REFI Oil & Gas Refining and Marketing (TRBC)
Operators of oil and gas refineries for the production of heating and lubricating products, as well as fuel oils, and gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, propane, kerosene and other liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) products. Includes marketers and retailers of refined products, such as operators of bulk gasoline and crude oil terminals, and operators of truck and automobile service stations with or without convenience stores.
REIC Commercial REITs (TRBC)
Operators of investment trusts that secure interests related to commercial real estate, such as office, retail and industrial properties.
REID Diversified REITs (TRBC)
Operators of investment trusts that secure interests related to residential and commercial real estate.
REIR Residential REITs (TRBC)
Operators of investment trusts that secure interests related to residential real estate, such as single- and multi-family homes, apartment complexes and condominiums.
REIT Residential & Commercial REITs (TRBC)
Investment trusts that secure interests related to rights on residential and commercial real estate.
RELX Leisure & Recreation (TRBC)
Tour operators, travel agencies, amusement parks, golf courses, gaming and fishing preserves, sport stadiums, sports teams, movie theaters, dance and theatrical companies, recreational goods rentals and other leisure services.
RENE Renewable Energy (TRBC)
Manufacturers of renewable energy equipment, as well as service providers, and producers and distributors of renewable fuels.
RENF Renewable Fuels (TRBC)
Producers and distributors of biofuels, hydrogen fuel and blended fuels such as biodiesel.
RENQ Renewable Energy Equipment & Services (TRBC)
Manufacturers of solar power panels, hydrogen fuel cell systems, wind turbines, solar water-heating systems, wave power equipment and geothermal heating systems. Also includes renewable energy system installation and consulting services.
REOP Real Estate Operations (TRBC)
Developers and managers of real estate who build, rent and lease residential and commercial properties. Includes real estate brokerage and agency services, real estate appraisal services and consulting services.
RESV Real Estate Services (TRBC)
Real estate brokers, agency services, real estate appraisal services, consulting services and management services.
RETA Apparel & Accessories Retailers (TRBC)
Retailers of men, women and children's clothing and accessories stores, including retailers of handbags, footwear, leather goods, luggage, jewelry and watches.
RETE Computer & Electronics Retailers (TRBC)
Retailers of computers and peripherals, consumer electronics and other technology products. Includes retailers of household appliances, audio and video equipment, consumer software, digital cameras, cell phones and components, and other electronic goods.
RETS Miscellaneous Specialty Retailers (TRBC)
Retailers operating specialized stores and dealerships. Includes operators of office supply, book, toy, vision care, video rental, sporting equipment and other focused retail outlets.
RFOD Food Distribution & Convenience Stores (TRBC)
Retailers operating grocery, convenience, liquor and specialty food stores. Includes operators of grocery stores with an auxiliary drug department and vending machines.
RGEN Diversified Retail (TRBC)
Retailers offering diversified product lines through department, discount and online or mail order stores.
RHOM Home Furnishings Retailers (TRBC)
Retailers of home furnishings and furniture.
RINS Reinsurance (TRBC)
Property and casualty, and life and health reinsurance carriers.
RRLF Freight Transportation, Ground (TRBC)
Providers of railroad and trucking freight transportation services. Includes operators of short-term truck and trailer rental, as well as freight warehousing and crating.
RRLP Passenger Transportation, Ground & Sea (TRBC)
Providers of transportation services including urban transit, bus, subway and rail operators, taxi, school bus and short-term car rental services, as well as short-distance water ferry operators.
RUBB Tires & Rubber Products (TRBC)
Manufacturers of tires, basic rubber products and rubber plantation operations. Includes wholesalers of new and used tires and providers of tire retreading and repairing materials, as well as producers of molded and mechanical rubber goods.
SBIZ Sports Business
Business and economic aspects of sport, and sports stories, with a cross-asset appeal to financial clients. Includes all financial aspects of sport, the selling or sponsorship of sport, stadium construction and organisation of major events such as the Olympic Games and Soccer World Cup. Also includes large changes in share ownership of publicly owned sports teams and the issuing of bonds.
SEMI Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment (TRBC)
Designers and manufacturers of semiconductors, as well as producers of testing and manufacturing equipment for semiconductor manufacturers.
SHOE Footwear (TRBC)
Manufacturers of footwear such as dress shoes, sneakers, slippers, boots, galoshes, sandals and athletic and trade related footwear. Includes producers of footwear parts such as shoe laces, buckles, clasps, inner soles, heels and padding.
SHOP Retailers excl Food and Drug Specialists (TRBC)
Retailers that operate department, discount, catalog and internet, apparel & accessories, computers and electronics and other specialty stores.
SHOW Entertainment Production (TRBC)
Producers of motion pictures, syndicated television, teleproduction, music and music videos. Includes operators of recording studios, theaters and providers of production services such as editing, special effects contracting, video conversion, as well as distribution services.
SOFW Software (TRBC)
Developers and marketers of system and application software. Includes developers of operating systems, word processors, spreadsheet applications, CAD and database engines.
STAY Hotels, Motels & Cruise Lines (TRBC)
Operators of accommodation services including hotels, bed and breakfast inns, motels, cabins, cottages, youth hostels, cruise lines and other tourist and boarding lodges.
SWIT Software & IT Services (TRBC)
Developers and marketers of generic system and application software, as well as providers of consulting and IT services.
TCOM Telecommunications Services (TRBC)
Owners and operators of fixed line and wireless telecommunication networks and services. The sector serves consumers of voice, video and data transmission.
TECH Technology (TRBC)
Manufacturers of semiconductors, communications equipment, computer hardware and technology related office equipment, as well as providers of consulting and IT services.
TEEQ Technology Equipment (TRBC)
Manufacturers of semiconductors, communications equipment, computer hardware and technology-related office equipment.
TRAD Diversified Trading & Distributing (TRBC)
Wholesalers and distributors of multiple lines of mainly industrial goods.
TRAN Transportation (TRBC)
Transporters of freight and passengers by air, land and sea, and operators of supporting services.
TREE Paper & Forest Products (TRBC)
Operators of forests, pulp and paper mills, producers and manufacturers of wood and paper products, and providers of related services.
TXTL Textiles & Leather Goods (TRBC)
Operators of cotton farms, and woven and non-woven fabric mills, as well as manufacturers of basic leather goods. Includes producers of stock and primary leather goods, cotton, wool, rayon, polyester, silk, velvet, hemp, lace and other fabric mills, fur bearing animal production and basic textile goods such as linens, cloths, rags and bed sheets.
UTIL Utilities (TRBC)
Producers and distributors of electricity, natural gas, water and steam, among other utility services, whose distribution facilities and infrastructure are regulated by government. The sector serves private and industrial consumers.
UTIM Multiline Utilities (TRBC)
Producers and distributors both electric power and natural gas. Includes utility companies with significant operations in multiple utility operations consisting of electric, natural gas, water and other regulated utility operations.
WATR Water & Other Utilities (TRBC)
Operators of water delivery infrastructure, water treatment, filtration and sewage disposal plants. Includes operators supplying geothermal, steam heat and cooled air.
WEAR Apparel & Accessories (TRBC)
Manufacturers of clothing such as, men's, women's, children's and pet clothing, uniforms, jackets, hats, socks, gloves, robes, hosiery and swim suits. Includes producers of accessories such as handbags, attache cases, umbrellas, cosmetic bags, jewelry, watches, luggage.
WLES Wireless Telecommunications Services (TRBC)
Providers of wireless communication services, such as paging, cell phone and other satellite telecommunication services.
WLTH Wealth Management
Companies engaged in the business of wealth management, including retail brokerage, private wealth advisory and private banking.
WOOD Forest & Wood Products (TRBC)
Producers of lumber, plywood, sawdust, wood flooring, shingles, tiles, laminated veneer, fencing and other primary wood products. Includes operators of timber tracks and nurseries and providers of cutting, logging, transporting, as well as other forest management services.
ADVMK Advertising & Marketing (TRBC level 4)
Print, digital and broadcast media advertising agencies, marketing research, public opinion research, public relations and other marketing and consulting services.
APRET Apparel & Accessories Retailers (TRBC level 4)
Retailers of men, women and children's clothing and accessories stores, including retailers of handbags, footwear, leather goods, luggage, jewelry and watches.
AUTPT Auto, Truck & Motorcycle Parts (TRBC level 4)
Manufacturers of original and replacement parts for cars, light trucks and motorcycles.
CASGM Casinos & Gaming (TRBC level 4)
Operators of casinos and gambling operations. Includes stand-alone casinos, casino hotels, riverboat casinos, bingo halls, gambling machine manufacturers, lottery services, internet gambling services, bookmaking and other gambling services.
CHMSP Specialty Chemicals (TRBC level 4)
Producers and wholesalers of specialized chemicals such as pigments, inks, dyes, synthetic fibers, filaments and polymers, synthetic chemicals, adhesives, glues and epoxies.
CRDBX Paper Packaging (TRBC level 4)
Manufacturers and wholesalers of paper packaging including cardboard, laminated paper containers, and wood-fiber boxes, bags and wrapping paper.
EXPRO Oil & Gas Exploration and Production (TRBC level 4)
Explorers, extractors and producers of crude petroleum and natural gas. Includes operators that recover butane, ethane and natural liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) from oil and gas fields in land, water, as well as explorers and producers of unconventional oil and gas.
FODPR Food Processing (TRBC level 4)
Processers and packagers of produce, meats, fish, animal feeds, fruit juices, coffee, tea and dairy products. Includes grain milling, crop cleaning, grading and packaging, animal slaughtering and packaging operations, seafood processing, freezing, canning operations and all other food manufacturers, including pet foods.
HMFRN Home Furnishings (TRBC level 4)
Manufacturers of furniture, non-upholstered kitchenware, floor coverings, wall coverings and related furnishings. Includes producers of couches, mattresses, bed frames and headboards, desks, tables, chairs, tables, draws, entertainment centers and stands, wall units, outdoor furniture, carpets, rugs, wall paper, blinds, shades and curtains.
HRDWR Appliances, Tools & Housewares (TRBC level 4)
Manufacturers of kitchen appliances, hand and light power tools, gardening tools, cookware, silverware and other household goods. Includes manufacturers of stoves, refrigerators, blenders, washer/dryers, vacuum cleaners, pottery, hairdryers, clocks, home use drills, lawnmowers, rakes, shovels, as well as silverware, china, cutlery, cooking utensils and other related house wares.
HSEPR Household Products (TRBC level 4)
Manufacturers of non-durable goods such as cleaning products, detergents, disinfectants, brooms, mops, towels and rags, disposable plates and cutlery.
INVBR Investment Banking & Brokerage Services (TRBC level 4)
Providers of investment banking and security brokerage services without significant commercial banking operations, facilitating mergers and acquisitions; underwriting and capital raising via public debt or equity offerings, private placements and restructuring, as well as auxiliary security brokerage services.
IRNST Iron & Steel (TRBC level 4)
Miners and processers of iron ore and coke coal and producers of iron and steel. Includes providers of metal ore exploration and mining services, operators of iron and steel foundries for beneficiating, smelting, rolling, forging, spinning, recycling, stamping, polishing and plating of iron and steel products such as pipes, tubes, wire, spring, rolls and bars, and providers of metal processing services and wholesalers of iron and steel products.
NPCNT Non-Paper Containers & Packaging (TRBC level 4)
Manufacturers and wholesalers of metal, glass and plastic containers, and providers of diversified, paper and non-paper container and packaging services.
PRTSV Marine Port Services (TRBC level 4)
Owners and operators of marine ports and supporting services such as port loading and unloading, canal, harbor and docking services, longshoreman support, tugboat, navigational control and other related services.
PSNPR Personal Products (TRBC level 4)
Manufacturers of toiletries, personal hygienic and birth control products. Includes producers of combs, toothbrushes, mouthwash, perfumes, cosmetics, deodorants, hand and body soaps, sunscreen lotion, walking canes, burial caskets, hair pieces, prophylactics, spectacles, contact lenses and other personal products.
REALE Real Estate Rental, Development & Operations (TRBC level 4)
Companies engaged in developing, renting and leasing residential, retail, office, industrial and commercial properties.
RECPR Recreational Products (TRBC level 4)
Manufacturers of sporting goods, camping equipment, motor homes, caravans, bicycles and musical instruments.
RESBR Restaurants & Bars (TRBC level 4)
Operators of restaurants, diners, taverns, pubs, nightclubs, banquet halls, fixed location snack bars, food cart vendors, food service contractors and wholesalers of commercial food service equipment.
SEAFT Marine Freight & Logistics (TRBC level 4)
Operators of marine and inland water transportation services for freight. Includes deep-sea freight and cargo, barge, inland water, vessel chartering and other freight transportation operations.
SFTBV Non-Alcoholic Beverages (TRBC)
Manufacturers of non-alcoholic beverages such as water, fruit drinks, soft drinks, coffee and tea, as well as other flavored beverages.
VHRET Auto Vehicles, Parts & Service Retailers (TRBC level 4)
Retailers of auto vehicles, parts and services.
AIRFRT Companies engaged in the provision of scheduled and chartered air freight services.
Companies engaged in the provision of scheduled and chartered air freight services.
CHEMDV Diversified Chemicals (TRBC level 5)
Companies significantly engaged in at least two the following industries: Commodity Chemicals, Agricultural Chemicals and Specialty Chemicals.
ENQSVC Oil & Gas Related Equipment and Services (TRBC level 3)
Providers of oil and gas drilling and related services, as well as manufacturers of oil related equipment.
HLTHSE Healthcare Services & Equipment (TRBC level 2)
Manufacturers of medical equipment and supplies, providers of medical technology/software, as well as operators of healthcare facilities and providers of managed healthcare.
HSEBLD Homebuilding & Construction Supplies (TRBC level 3)
Builders of residential homes, mobile homes and prefabricated homes, and manufacturers of value-added building products and home improvement components.
HSEGDS Household Goods (TRBC level 3)
Manufacturers of household appliances, tools, house wares and home furnishing goods.
HSEHLD Personal & Household Products & Services (TRBC level 3)
Manufacturers of non-durable household goods, personal products and providers of personal services.
INVBIS Investment Banking & Investment Services (TRBC level 3)
Providers of investment banking, brokerage and investment management services without significant commercial or retail banking operations.
INVDIV Diversified Investment Services (TRBC level 5)
Companies that combine investment banking/security brokerage services with investment management/ fund operating operations, none being dominant.
SHOPAL All Retail
Stories about retail businesses, including online retailers.
SPCRET Specialty Retailers (TRBC level 3)
Retailers operating stores and dealerships focused on a single area. Includes auto part, home improvement, home furnishing, office supply, toy, sporting equipment, book, kitchenware and houseware retailers. Includes also garden centers, car and truck dealerships.
NO EQUIVALENT Speciality Financials
CWP Conflicts / War / Peace
Civil and international wars, including violent political uprisings.
DEF Defense
The affairs of the various branches of the armed services in an individual country or alliance of countries, including defense procurement and weapons policy. Excluding actual combat.
IMM Asylum / Immigration / Refugees
Asylum, immigration, refugees, visa, passport and extradition issues.
VIO Civil Unrest
Disturbances to internal peace or public order caused by the collective actions of a group of citizens. Including both legal and illegal acts including demonstrations, protests, marches, riots; hooliganism and looting.
WAR Military Conflicts
Hostile actions or attacks involving the use of regular or irregular armed forces between countries, by one or more countries against one or more other countries, or within a country between opposing groups, usually for territorial or political gain. Does not include violence between individuals or for criminal intent.
BOMB Bombing (Non-Military)
Placing or detonation of an explosive or incendiary device with the intention of causing damage to property and / or loss of life. Also includes the threat (false or otherwise) of exploding such a device. Does not include bombardment as part of a military action.
ACB Anti-competitive Behaviour / Price Fixing
News about alleged or actual anti-competitive commercial behaviour by companies or their officers which if proven would be punishable in law.
CLJ Crime / Law / Justice
Crime, law and justice.
HJK Hijacking / Piracy
Commandeer a vehicle by coercion, sometimes for political or percuniary motives.
BRIB Corruption / Bribery / Embezzlement
Abusing one's position of trust for personal dishonest gain, being open to bribes and / or acting without the virtues, integrity or honesty of an individual beholden with the same position of responsibility.
CRIM Crime
The commission / omission of an act in violation of international / domestic law and for which, if convicted, punishment is imposed. Includes government policy on crime and crime figures.
HACK Computer Crime / Hacking / Cybercrime
Computer hackers or crackers illegally gaining access to another's computer system to obtain secret information or commit acts of sabotage. Including the deliberate creation or spreading of computer viruses.
KDNP Kidnapping
The forcible abduction of one or more individuals for ideological, political or pecuniary motives. Also includes hostages held to secure the taker's demands.
MURD Murder / Suspected Murder
An unlawful killing of a human being where there was an intention to kill or cause serious harm.
NARC Drug Trafficking / Narcotics
Illegal activities involving the use and trafficking of drugs.
FAKE1 Intellectual Property Crime
Counterfeiting and other intellectual property crime. Excludes civil disputes concerning intellectual property laws, which are covered by Intellectual Property [IPROP].
SCAM1 Financial Fraud / Securities Fraud
Acts of deception intended for personal gain or to cause a loss to others involving financial transactions.
SCRIM Sex Crimes
Forcing an individual to participate in acts of a sexual or indecent nature by using or threatening physical force. Including forcing another person to submit to sexual intercourse without consent.
FRAUD1 White Collar Crime / Fraud / Corporate Crime
Acts of deception deliberately practised in order to secure unfair or unlawful financial gain, including fraudulent behaviour in sports. Also acts of financial deception or improper accounting by executive officers of a listed or unlisted company in contravention of securities, disclosure and accountancy law in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain or in order to mislead stakeholders in the company as to the true state of its financial affairs.
DIS Disasters / Accidents
Natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions; manmade disasters and accidents, including road accidents, plane crashes, train crashes, shipwrecks and industrial accidents; their human and economic consequences.
FLD Floods
Floods, tidal waves and tsunami including damage and loss of life, clean up and rebuilding, long-term implications and insurance costs.
WND Wind / Hurricanes / Typhoons / Tornadoes
Wind, storms, hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes and typhoons and their effects. The impact of strong winds on economic activities such as the production, transport and prices of commodities and energy.
COLL Ground Accidents / Collisions
Major road or rail accidents.
CRSH Air Accidents
Aircraft accidents.
DFTS Droughts
Droughts including the extent, severity and implications of.
DRWN Sea Accidents
Major accidents at sea or on inland waters.
QUAK Earthquakes
Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides. Effects of seismic activity including damage, loss of life, rescue efforts and long-term implications.
Accidental explosions or building fires. Not bombs or bomb damage as part of a military campaign.
TWAVE Tsunami
News about tsunamis and similar large destructive waves in a large body of water.
WFIRE Wildfires / Forest Fires
Forest and brush fires including extent of damage and efforts to contain.
ODD Human Interest / Brights / Odd News
Unusual human interest items. Covers both the bizarre and the humorous. Strange but true stories.
AID Overseas Development Aid
Overseas development policy and development aid. Includes emergency relief aid
BRU EU Institutions
News about the European Commission, Parliament, Courts and Councils.
CIV Fundamental Rights / Civil Liberties
Policies concerning claimed fundamental human rights and civil liberties.
DAT Privacy / Data Protection
Policies concerning privacy laws, such as the protection of personal data.
DIP Diplomacy / Foreign Policy
Foreign affairs including summits, treaties and official visits. International disputes and co-operation. Also including actions of diplomats and embassies.
EDU Education
Issues relating to education; legislation, performance, curricula, teachers and fees. Including public, private, nursery, primary and secondary schooling, further education, college and university.
LAW Lawmaking
The formulation of legislation by supranational, national, sub-national or local parliaments and the legislative decisions of courts of law.
NGO Non-Governmental Organizations
Not-for-profit organisations which operate independently of governments and are not constituted as a political party or have any criminal purpose.
POL Government / Politics
Political parties, national and sub-national parliaments, legislation and constitutional issues. Opinion polls and referendums. Local government bodies and the civil service.
RTM Retirement / Old Age
All news about retirement and related issues, including financial regulation and financial industry trends that affect retirement.
SDS Subsidies
Government support for an industry / activity that provides it with a competitive trading advantage.
TAX Taxation
The levying of direct and indirect taxes by national, sub-national or local governments or parliaments.
TRD International Trade
Commercial agreements, tariffs and quotas between countries or groupings of countries. Including the World Trade Organisation and regional trading alliances.
TRF Tariffs
Government imposed system of duties on imports / exports.
WOM Women's Issues
Women's Issues, including women's rights.
WRM Climate Politics
Issues of climate change and evidence of global warming and public policies to affect climate changes.
ADVO Advocacy Groups / Pressure Groups / Lobbies
Non-governmental organizations whose aim is to influence government or quasi-government policies in a specific area.
CENS Freedom of Speech / Censorship
Freedom of speech / censorship and press freedom.
CHLD Children / Youth Issues
News about social issues affecting children and young adults.
GFIN Government Finances
Government finance, budgets and tax policy
HRGT Human Rights / Civil Rights
Legal issues concerning human rights and abuses. Including civil liberties, equality and discrimination, freedom of expression and freedom to worship.
HUMA Aid Relief / Humanitarian Agencies
Non-governmental organizations involved in the provision of aid and development assistance.
LGBT Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Transsexual
Issues concerning sexual orientation.
NUCL Nuclear Armaments / Nuclear Proliferation
News concerning nuclear weapons including international arms control affairs.
RACR Race Relations / Ethnic Issues
Relations among and issues concerning racial and ethnic groups, including discrimination, stereotyping, abuse of individuals based on race or ethnic background, segregation, integration, public policy, and legal measures and procedures concerning racial or ethnic groups and issues.
SOCI Society / Social Issues
Society and social issues.
VOTE Elections / Voting
National; regional; local elections, manifestos, referendums and polling.
VOTG Gubernatorial Elections
Elections of state or provincial governors.
VOTH Lower House Elections
Elections to the lower house of a legislative body.
VOTP Presidential Elections
Presidential elections.
VOTS Upper House Elections
Elections to the upper house (such as a senate) of a legislative body.
WASH US Government News
US Federal government politics, policies and economics.
INTAG International Agencies / Treaty Groups
SECUR International / National Security
International and national security considerations relating to hostile organizations / countries. Including all covert action, all intelligence gathering, and all steps taken to defend against action by hostile organizations / countries. Also includes acts committed by hostile organizations / countries.
DEFBUY Military Procurement
Issues related to the procurement of military equipmnent.
GUNCTR Gun Control
Policies to regulate the private ownership of fire arms.
INSURG Insurgencies
Guerrilla and rebel groups involved in armed rebellion, usually having access to light arms and bomb-making materials, but not full-scale military ordnance.
BUD Buddhism
A religious system from ancient Nepal and India, founded by Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha), that says moral behaviour can lead to Nirvana, the state of enlightenment and end of reincarnation. Its main branches are Theravada (dominant in South and Southeast Asia) and Mahayana (in China, Japan, Tibet and northern Asia).
JUD Judaism
The monotheistic religion of the Jews, tracing its origins to Abraham with spiritual and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Talmud. Apart from Orthodox Judaism, there are Conservative, Hasidic, Reform and other movements.
REL Religion / Belief
Religion / Belief.
CHRI Christianity
All denominations that believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God who rose from the dead after his crucifixion, as related in the Bible. Refers to all Christians, their churches or relations among different Christian denominations.
HIND Hinduism
The dominant faith in India, Nepal and among the Tamils in Sri Lanka. It is henotheistic, i.e. believes in one god without denying other deities. The main Hindu gods are Brahma the Creator, Vishnu (Krishna) the Preserver and Shiva the Destroyer.
ISLM Islam
Islamic religion and culture.
CLC Climate Change
All news coverage associated with the broader topic of climate change.
ENV Environment
Conservation; green issues; recycling; energy saving; alternative energy; natural world; environmental disasters; environmental politics; natural resources; waste; government policy.
GMO Genetically Modified Organisms
Genetically modified organisms their development, deployment and any products made from them. Also including government policy and opposition to.
HEA Health / Medicine
Health; disease; medical research; preventative medicine; hospitals; government policy.
SCI Science
All aspects of science; research and new technology; applied sciences; human sciences; natural sciences; philosophical sciences; scientific exploration; government policy.
WWW Internet / World Wide Web
New developments in, and issues affecting, the internet / world wide web, such as viruses, domain names, freedom of access and censorship.
ARTI Artificial Intelligence
News about artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of digital systems to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings, and its use in applications such as medical diagnosis, computer search engines, voice recognition and autonomous vehicles.
AWLQ Pollution
Short and long-term pollution affecting air, water and land.
ITEC Information Technologies / Computer Sciences
News about the science of information technology and computing.
LSCI Life Sciences
News concerning the life sciences with the exception of medicine, which is covered by Health / Medicine [HEA].
NATU Nature / Wildlife
Environmental issues concerning flora or fauna.
SPEX Space Exploration
Astronomy / space exploration including new research into celestial objects, space, and the physical universe. Also spaceflights of manned and unmanned vehicles
EHVEH Electric / Hybrid Vehicles
Vehicles using an electric motor for propulsion.
INFDIS Infectious Diseases
Research into, causes and treatment of all infectious diseases, including food poisoning, hepatitis, influenza, malaria and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
DOP Doping / Drugs Tests
The use, regulation or prohibition of performance-enhancing substances and tests to uncover the use of drugs, mostly used in sports.
FO1 Formula 1
MMA Mixed Martial Arts
NBA NBA Basketball
Events relating to the sport of National Basketball Association basketball.
NFL NFL American Football
Events relating to the sport of National Football League american football.
NHL NHL Ice Hockey
Events relating to the sport of National Hockey League ice hockey.
SNO Snowboarding
Events relating to the sport of snowboarding. A a snowboard is a board resembling a small surfboard and equipped with bindings, used for descending snow-covered slopes on one's feet but without ski poles.
SPO Sport
Sports, with a focus on both sporting events of consequence, and the world-wide business of sports. Includes: championship events, major signings, the most important business, legal and regulatory matters, stories on important new teams leagues or events,
ALPS Alpine Skiing
Events relating to the sport of alpine skiing
AMER American Football
Events relating to the sport of american football.
ANGL Angling
Events relating to the sport of angling and competitive fishing.
ARCH Archery
Events relating to the sport of archery.
ATHL Athletics
Events relating to the sport of athletics.
AUSR Australian Rules Football
Events relating to the sport of australian rules football.
BADM Badminton
Events relating to the sport of badminton.
BASE Baseball
Events relating to the sport of baseball.
BASK Basketball
Events relating to the sport of basketball.
BIAT Biathlon
Events relating to the sport of biathlon.
BILL Billiards
Events relating to the sport of billiards.
BOAR Boardsailing / Windsurfing
Events relating to the sport of boardsailing.
BOBS Bobsleigh
Events relating to the sport of bobsleigh.
BOWL Bowls
Events relating to the sport of bowls.
BOXI Boxing
Events relating to the sport of boxing.
CANO Canoeing
Events relating to the sport of canoeing.
CLMB Climbing
Events relating to the sport of climbing.
CRIC Cricket
Events relating to the sport of cricket.
CURL Curling
Events relating to the sport of curling.
CYCL Cycling
Events relating to the sport of cycling.
DIVE Diving
Events relating to the sport of diving.
DNCG Competitive Dancing
Events relating to competitive dancing.
DRTS Darts
Events relating to the sport of darts.
EQUE Equestrian
Events relating to equestrian sports.
FENC Fencing
Events relating to the sport of fencing.
FIGS Figure Skating
Events relating to figure skating.
FSKI Freestyle Skiing
Events relating to the sport of freestyle skiing.
Events relating to the sport of golf.
GYMN Gymnastics
Events relating to the sport of gymnastics.
HAND Handball
Events relating to the sport of handball.
HOCK Field Hockey
Events relating to the sport of field hockey.
HORS Horse Racing
Events relating to the sport of horse racing.
ICEH Ice Hockey
Events relating to the sport of ice hockey.
JAIA Jai Alai / Pelota
Events relating to the sport of jai alai. Jai Alai or pelota is a court game in which players use a long hand-shaped basket strapped to the wrist to propel a ball against a wall.
Events relating to the sport of judo.
KARA Karate
Events relating to the sport of karate.
LACR Lacrosse
Events relating to the sport of lacrosse.
Events relating to the sport of luge. Luge is an alpine sport where a racing sled for one or two people is ridden with the rider or riders lying supine down a specially prepared ice track against the clock.
MOCR Motocross
Events relating to the sport of motocross. Motocross is a closed-course motorcycle race over natural or simulated rough terrain.
MOCY Motorcycle Racing
Events relating to the sport of motorcycling. This includes bikes competing in MotoGP road racing, 125cc , 250cc, superbike and motocross categories.
MODE Modern Pentathlon
Events relating to the sport of modern pentathlon.
MORA Motor Racing
Events relating to the sport of motor racing. This includes cars competing in track races, including Formula One, Nascar, Cart and Indy.
MTHN Marathon
Events relating to marathons. A marathon is a footrace run on an open course usually of 26 miles 385 yards (42.2 kilometers).
NETB Netball
Events relating to the sport of netball.
NORS Nordic Skiing
Events relating to the sport of nordic skiing.
RALL Rallying
Events relating to the sport of rallying.
ROWI Rowing
Events relating to the sport of rowing.
RUGL Rugby League
Events relating to the sport of rugby league.
RUGU Rugby Union
Events relating to the sport of rugby union.
SDOG Sled Dog Racing
Events relating to the sport of sled dog racing. The racing sleds are pulled by dogs over snow-covered courses. One of the most famous events is the Iditarod race to Nome, created to help promote Alaska's mushing history.
SHOO Shooting
Events relating to the sport of shooting.
SKAT Speed Skating
Events relating to the sport of speed skating.
SKEL Skeleton
Events relating to the sport of skeleton. Skeleton is an alpine sport where a racing sled is ridden with the rider lying on their stomach, head first, down a specially prepared ice track against the clock.
SKIJ Ski Jumping
Events relating to the sport of ski jumping.
SNOO Snooker
Events relating to the sport of snooker. Snooker is pocket billiards played with 15 red balls and 6 balls of other colors.
SOCC Soccer
Events relating to the sport of soccer.
SOFT Softball
Events relating to the sport of softball.
SPEE Speedway
Events relating to the sport of speedway. Speedway a special track a form of dirt-track racing where stripped-down motorcycles without brakes race round an oval track.
SQUA Squash
Events relating to the sport of squash.
STSK Short Track Skating
Events relating to the sport of short track (speed) skating.
SUMO Sumo Wrestling
Events relating to the sport of sumo wrestling.
SWIM Swimming
Events relating to the sport of swimming.
TABT Table Tennis
Events relating to the sport of table tennis.
TAEK Taekwondo
Events relating to tae kwon do, a Korean martial art resembling karate.
TENN Tennis
Events relating to the sport of tennis.
TENP Tenpin Bowling
Events relating to tenpin bowling.
TRIA Triathlon
Events relating to triathlon. An athletic contest in which participants compete without stopping in three successive events, usually long-distance swimming, bicycling, and running.
VOLL Volleyball
Events relating to the sport of volleyball. A game played by two teams on a rectangular court divided by a high net, in which both teams use up to three hits to ground the ball on the opposing team's side of the net.
WATP Water Polo
Events relating to the sport of water polo. A water sport with two teams of swimmers each of which tries to pass a ball into the other's goal.
WATS Water Skiing
Events relating to the sport of water skiing.
WEIG Weightlifting
Events relating to competitive weighlifting.
WRES Wrestling
Events relating to wrestling. A sport in which two competitors attempt to throw or immobilize each other by grappling.
XCTY Cross-Country Skiing
Events relating to the sport of cross-country skiing.
YACH Yachting / Sailing
Events relating to competitive yachting or sailing.
AQSPO Aquatic Sports
BVOLL Beach Volleyball
Events relating to the sport of beach volleyball. Beach volleyball is a variation on volleyball played on a court made of sand with teams of two players.
Events relating to competitive chess.
MARTS Martial Arts
ORENT Orienteering
Events relating to the sport of orienteering. Orienteering is a cross-country race in which competitors use a map and compass to find their way through unfamiliar territory.
PBOAT Power Boating
Events relating to the sport of power boating.
SBOAT Boating / Sailing
Events relating to the sport of polo. Polo is a game played by teams of players on horseback using mallets with long flexible handles to drive a wooden ball through goalposts.
Events relating to the sport of pool. Pool can be any of several games played on a six-pocket billiard table usually with 15 object balls and a cue ball. Also called pocket billiards.
SRFNG Surfing
Events relating to the sport of surfing / surfboarding.
SYNCS Synchronised Swimming


Show All
AO Angola
Republic of Angola
BF Burkina Faso
BI Burundi
Republic of Burundi
BJ Benin
Republic of Benin
BW Botswana
Republic of Botswana
CD Congo (DRC)
Democratic Republic of the Congo
CF Central African Republic
CG Congo (RC)
Republic of the Congo
CI Ivory Coast
Republic of C?te d'Ivoire
CM Cameroon
Republic of Cameroon
CV Cape Verde
Republic of Cabo Verde
DJ Djibouti
Republic of Djibouti
DZ Algeria
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
EG Egypt
Arab Republic of Egypt
EH Western Sahara
ER Eritrea
State of Eritrea
ET Ethiopia
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
GA Gabon
Gabonese Republic
GH Ghana
Republic of Ghana
GI Gibraltar
GM Gambia
Republic of The Gambia
GN Guinea
Republic of Guinea
GQ Equatorial Guinea
Republic of Equatorial Guinea
GY Guyana
Co-operative Republic of Guyana
KE Kenya
Republic of Kenya
KM Comoros
Union of the Comoros
LR Liberia
Republic of Liberia
LS Lesotho
Kingdom of Lesotho
LY Libya
MA Morocco
Kingdom of Morocco
MG Madagascar
Republic of Madagascar
ML Mali
Republic of Mali
MR Mauritania
Islamic Republic of Mauritania
MU Mauritius
Republic of Mauritius
MW Malawi
Republic of Malawi
MZ Mozambique
Republic of Mozambique
NA Namibia
Republic of Namibia
NE Niger
Republic of Niger
NG Nigeria
Federal Republic of Nigeria
RE R?union
Department of Reunion
RW Rwanda
Republic of Rwanda
SC Seychelles
Republic of Seychelles
SD Sudan
Republic of the Sudan
SH Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
SL Sierra Leone
Republic of Sierra Leone
SN Senegal
Republic of Senegal
SO Somalia
Federal Republic of Somalia
SS South Sudan
SZ Swaziland
Kingdom of Swaziland
TD Chad
Republic of Chad
TF French Southern Territories
Territory of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands
TG Togo
Togolese Republic
TN Tunisia
Tunisian Republic
TO Tonga
Kingdom of Tonga
TZ Tanzania
United Republic of Tanzania
UG Uganda
Republic of Uganda
ZA South Africa
Republic of South Africa
ZM Zambia
Republic of Zambia
ZW Zimbabwe
Republic of Zimbabwe
AF Afghanistan
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
BD Bangladesh
People's Republic of Bangladesh
BN Brunei
Negara Brunei Darussalam
BT Bhutan
Kingdom of Bhutan
CN China (PRC)
People's Republic of China
HK Hong Kong
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
ID Indonesia
Republic of Indonesia
IN India
Republic of India
JP Japan
KG Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyz Republic
KH Cambodia
Kingdom of Cambodia
KP North Korea
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
KR South Korea
Republic of Korea
KZ Kazakhstan
Republic of Kazakhstan
LA Laos
Lao People's Democratic Republic
LK Sri Lanka
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
MM Myanmar
Republic of the Union of Myanmar
MN Mongolia
MO Macau
Macau Special Administrative Region
MV Maldives
Republic of Maldives
MY Malaysia
NP Nepal
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
PH Philippines
Republic of the Philippines
PK Pakistan
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
SG Singapore
Republic of Singapore
TH Thailand
Kingdom of Thailand
TJ Tajikistan
Republic of Tajikistan
TL East Timor / Timor-Leste
Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
TM Turkmenistan
TW Taiwan
UZ Uzbekistan
Republic of Uzbekistan
VN Vietnam
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
AG Antigua and Barbuda
BZ Belize
CR Costa Rica
Republic of Costa Rica
HN Honduras
Republic of Honduras
HT Haiti
Republic of Haiti
NI Nicaragua
Republic of Nicaragua
PA Panama
Republic of Panama
SV El Salvador
Republic of El Salvador
AD Andorra
Principality of Andorra
AL Albania
Republic of Albania
AM Armenia
Republic of Armenia
AT Austria
Republic of Austria
AZ Azerbaijan
Republic of Azerbaijan
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
BE Belgium
Kingdom of Belgium
BG Bulgaria
Republic of Bulgaria
BY Belarus
Republic of Belarus
CH Switzerland
Swiss Confederation
CY Cyprus
Republic of Cyprus
CZ Czech Republic
DE Germany
Federal Republic of Germany
DK Denmark
Kingdom of Denmark
EE Estonia
Republic of Estonia
ES Spain
Kingdom of Spain
FI Finland
Republic of Finland
FR France
French Republic
GB United Kingdom
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
GE Georgia
GG Guernsey
Bailiwick of Guernsey
GL Greenland
GR Greece
Hellenic Republic
HR Croatia
Republic of Croatia
HU Hungary
IE Ireland
Republic of Ireland
IM Isle of Man
IS Iceland
Republic of Iceland
IT Italy
Italian Republic
JE Jersey
Bailiwick of Jersey
KO Kosovo
Republic of Kosovo
LI Liechtenstein
Principality of Liechtenstein
LT Lithuania
Republic of Lithuania
LU Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
LV Latvia
Republic of Latvia
MC Monaco
Principality of Monaco
MD Moldova
Republic of Moldova
ME Montenegro
MK Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of)
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
MT Malta
Republic of Malta
NL Netherlands
Kingdom of the Netherlands
NO Norway
Kingdom of Norway
PL Poland
Republic of Poland
PT Portugal
Portuguese Republic
RO Romania
RU Russia
Russian Federation
SE Sweden
Kingdom of Sweden
SK Slovakia
Slovak Republic
SM San Marino
Republic of San Marino
SQ Slovenia
Republic of Slovenia
TR Turkey
Republic of Turkey
UA Ukraine
VA Vatican City
Holy See (Vatican City)
GBE England
GBS Scotland
GBW Wales
SRB Serbia
Republic of Serbia
GBNI Northern Ireland
AE United Arab Emirates
BH Bahrain
Kingdom of Bahrain
IL Israel
State of Israel
IQ Iraq
Republic of Iraq
IR Iran
Islamic Republic of Iran
JO Jordan
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
KW Kuwait
State of Kuwait
LB Lebanon
Lebanese Republic
OM Oman
Sultanate of Oman
PS Palestinian Territories
QA Qatar
State of Qatar
SA Saudi Arabia
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
SY Syria
Syrian Arab Republic
YE Yemen
Republic of Yemen
AW Aruba
BM Bermuda
CA Canada
MX Mexico
United Mexican States
PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Territorial Collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
US United States
United States of America
USAAK Alaska
USAAL Alabama
USAAR Arkansas
USAAZ Arizona
USACA California
USACO Colorado
USACT Connecticut
USADC Washington DC
USADE Delaware
USAFL Florida
USAGA Georgia
USAHI Hawaii
USAIL Illinois
USAIN Indiana
USAKS Kansas
USAKY Kentucky
USALA Louisiana
USAMA Massachusetts
USAMD Maryland
USAMI Michigan
USAMN Minnesota
USAMO Missouri
USAMS Mississippi
USAMT Montana
USANC North Carolina
USAND North Dakota
USANE Nebraska
USANH New Hampshire
USANJ New Jersey
USANM New Mexico
USANV Nevada
USANY New York
USAOK Oklahoma
USAOR Oregon
USAPA Pennsylvania
USARI Rhode Island
USASC South Carolina
USASD South Dakota
USATN Tennessee
USAVA Virginia
USAVT Vermont
USAWA Washington
USAWI Wisconsin
USAWV West Virginia
USAWY Wyoming
AS American Samoa
Territory of American Samoa
AU Australia
Commonwealth of Australia
CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands
CK Cook Islands
CX Christmas Island
Territory of Christmas Island
FJ Fiji
Republic of Fiji
FM Micronesia
Federated States of Micronesia
FO Faroe Islands
GU Guam
Territory of Guam
HM Heard and McDonald Islands
Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
KI Kiribati
Republic of Kiribati
MH Marshall Islands
Republic of the Marshall Islands
NC New Caledonia
Territory of New Caledonia and Dependencies
NF Norfolk Island
Territory of Norfolk Island
NR Nauru
Republic of Nauru
NU Niue
NZ New Zealand
PF French Polynesia
Territory of French Polynesia
PG Papua New Guinea
Independent State of Papua New Guinea
PN Pitcairn
Pitcairn Islands
PW Palau
Republic of Palau
SB Solomon Islands
TK Tokelau
TV Tuvalu
UM United States Minor Outlying Islands
VU Vanuatu
Republic of Vanuatu
WF Wallis and Futuna
Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands
WS Samoa
Independent State of Samoa
AQ Antarctica
MDS Mid-Sea
A maritime location on or below the surface of a sea or ocean.
SPC Outer Space
A location outside the Earth's atmosphere.
AIRB Airborne
A location above the Earth's surface but within the atmosphere.
AI Anguilla
AR Argentina
Argentine Republic
BB Barbados
BO Bolivia
Plurinational State of Bolivia
BR Brazil
Federative Republic of Brazil
BS Bahamas
Commonwealth of the Bahamas
CL Chile
Republic of Chile
CO Colombia
Republic of Colombia
CU Cuba
Republic of Cuba
DM Dominica
Commonwealth of Dominica
DO Dominican Republic
EC Ecuador
Republic of Ecuador
FK Falkland Islands
GD Grenada
GF French Guiana
Department of Guiana
GP Guadeloupe
Department of Guadeloupe
GS South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
GT Guatemala
Republic of Guatemala
GW Guinea-Bissau
Republic of Guinea-Bissau
JM Jamaica
KN Saint Kitts and Nevis
Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis
KY Cayman Islands
LC Saint Lucia
MQ Martinique
Department of Martinique
MS Montserrat
PE Peru
Republic of Peru
PR Puerto Rico
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
PY Paraguay
Republic of Paraguay
SR Suriname
Republic of Suriname
ST Sao Tome and Principe
Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
TC Turks and Caicos Islands
TT Trinidad and Tobago
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
UY Uruguay
Oriental Republic of Uruguay
VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VE Venezuela
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
VG British Virgin Islands
VI U.S. Virgin Islands
United States Virgin Islands